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Associate Vice Chancellor Bevins to return to faculty

Leadership News

Ashley Washburn, July 1, 2024

Associate Vice Chancellor Bevins to return to faculty

Associate Vice Chancellor for Research Rick Bevins is returning to the College of Arts and Sciences as a full-time faculty member on Aug. 18.

Bevins, the Mildred Francis Thompson Professor of Psychology, will focus on leading the Rural Drug Addiction Research Center and advancing his research program in the Behavioral Neuropharmacology Laboratory.

In May, RDAR – one of the University of Nebraska-Lincoln’s National Institutes of Health Centers of Biomedical Research Excellence programs – received an $11.6 million Phase 2 renewal grant to continue its work through 2029. RDAR’s mission is to advance understanding of causes, impacts and interventions related to rural drug use and misuse in the Midwest, a region that has been historically understudied. RDAR’s next stage of work will involve extensive engagement with communities throughout Nebraska.

Bevins joined the Office of Research and Economic Development in 2020 in an interim capacity and was named associate vice chancellor in 2023. In this role, Bevins helped develop the request for proposals and review process for the $40 million Grand Challenges Catalyst Competition. He also assisted with the limited submissions funding programs, including COBRE, and oversaw ORED’s Research Advisory Board.

“The ORED leadership team has greatly benefited from Rick’s expertise and perspective as a researcher, especially his in-depth knowledge of NIH operations and funding programs,” said Sherri Jones, interim vice chancellor for research and economic development. “His contributions will be missed, but we are excited for him to have more time to dedicate to the research and mentorship that he is so passionate about.”

In April, Bevins was named a fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, the world’s largest multidisciplinary scientific society. He received the University of Nebraska’s Outstanding Research and Creative Activity award, the system’s top research honor, in 2023.

Leadership News Psychology Research News Rural Drug Addiction Research Center