Research at Nebraska 2019-2020 Report

Tag: Education and Outreach



Immigration Clinic Offers Aid, Experience

The more than 10 million undocumented residents living in the United States have no constitutional right to legal representation. Without a lawyer, they are more likely to forgo legal help in dire situations and face poor outcomes as a result. To help fill that representation gap, third-year students at the University of Nebraska College of […]

Improving Training for Teachers of Multilingual Students

More than half of K-12 public school teachers nationwide have at least one student classified as an English language learner, estimates show. Yet the training for teachers of multilingual students varies widely across states and school districts. This complicates an already challenging task: educating students with varying levels of English fluency, different home languages and […]

Boosting Educational Success for Kids Leaving Foster Care

Kids who’ve spent time in foster care often have a hard time succeeding in school, especially those who bounce in and out of state care. To put Nebraska’s foster kids on a path toward academic success, the Academy for Child and Family Well Being is partnering with the state’s largest foster care agency. Together, they […]

Opera Premieres in Town Where Story Began

A plague of locusts, a bison stampede, a fatal shooting, an escape in the night. The 1873 founding of Cozad, Nebraska, by gambler John Cozad had plenty of melodrama for an opera. Nebraska’s Glenn Korff School of Music debuted “The Gambler’s Son,” an opera about Cozad’s ill-fated attempt to establish a preeminent metropolis on the […]

Series Showcases Great Plains Culture, History, Environment

The Great Plains is sometimes described by what it lacks: oceans, mountains, skyscrapers, big-city noises and world-class museums. Richard Edwards, director emeritus of Nebraska’s Center for Great Plains Studies, seeks to showcase the region’s abundance of quiet beauty and significant culture. He developed “Discover the Great Plains,” a series of short paperback books written for […]

Protecting Ecosystems with Early Detection

In medicine, disease screening with tests like colonoscopies and mammograms helps detect problems before symptoms emerge – while there is still time to reverse course. Nebraska’s Dirac Twidwell, associate professor of agronomy and horticulture, is bringing this proactive early-detection approach to agricultural resilience, which focuses on the ability of ecosystems to withstand sudden, destabilizing transitions. […]

Students Capture Flood Recovery Stories

Catastrophic flooding devastated Nebraska in 2019, killing four people, inundating communities, causing more than $3 billion in damage to homes, farms, businesses and infrastructure and changing some lives forever. For eight College of Journalism and Mass Communications undergraduates who worked on the Flood Feed Media initiative, reporting on these dismal tales and recovery had a […]

Virtual Field Trips Take Museum to Students

Morrill Hall’s corridors went silent in March, robbed of their usual spring arrival of curious schoolchildren marveling at the wonders of discovery. It was “kind of heart-wrenching,” said Susan Weller, director of the University of Nebraska State Museum. But staff didn’t let the pandemic stop their mission. They built on a previously established online presence […]

Comics Help Kids Learn About Coronavirus

BIF! POW! BANG! The new coronavirus wreaking havoc on our fair planet is no match for a squad of Husker superheroes. Nebraska researchers joined forces with comic artist Bob Hall to create a series of comics that tells the gripping tale of the virus that causes COVID-19. The one-page comics are designed to both entertain […]

Ventilator Sharing Device a Potential Lifesaver

A potential ventilator shortage sparked widespread concern as the U.S. COVID-19 outbreak intensified. The math suggested that not all people with COVID-induced acute respiratory distress syndrome, or ARDS, would have access to the lifesaving machines that help people breathe. The problem captured the attention of Nebraska engineer Benjamin Terry and Keely Buesing, a University of […]