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Research at the University of Nebraska–Lincoln

2011 - 2012 Report

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4-H Building Aaron Dominguez AC-MWN Academy of Management AFOSR Africa ag policy Agricultural Research Division agriculture AIDS Alexei Gruverman algae Allan Green Allan McCutcheon American Council of Learned Societies Fellowship American Exchange Center American Recovery and Reinvestment Act Anna Shavers Application-Aware Cognitive Multihop Wireless Network Arabidopsis Archie Clutter architecture Argentina Asit Pattnaik bacteria Bangladesh Beijing Big Ten Conference Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation biofuels biomass bovine spongiform encephalopathy Brazil Bureau of Business Research business carbon nanotubes CAREER Award Carl Nelson Carrick Detweiler CD4 census Center for Agricultural and Food Industrial Organization Center for Biomedical Research Excellence Center for Brain Biology and Behavior Center for Digital Research in the Humanities Center for Entrepreneurship CERN Charles Wood chemistry child sex trafficking China Chuck O’Connor civil engineering Civil War Washington Clinton Jones collaboration College of Engineering communications computer science and engineering ConAgra concussions Confucius Institute credit card Creighton University culture Damien Smith Pfister Dana Griffin Dan Claes Dan Duncan data storage David Rosenbaum David Sellmyer David Swanson da Vinci Awards Department of Defense Department of Health and Human Services Department of Interior Department of Transportation Derek Krissoff Distinguished Human Resource Executive Award Donald A. Wilhite Don Voelte drone journalism Drone Journalism Lab drought drought-tolerant crops drought stress E. coli economics economic trends economy educational psychology eePulse Inc electrical engineering Emancipation Proclamation Emerald Management Citations of Excellence Award energy English entrepreneurship ethanol Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development Evgeny Tsymbal expenditures families farmland federal research expenditures Fernando Osorio ferroelectric financial knowledge food food security Food Water and Energy Resources Policy Initiative Fred Luthans Gallup Getting Ready Gordon Smith Great Plains Greg Ibach Greg Snow Ground Fluor Pharmaceuticals Harshavardhan Thippareddi Harvey Perlman Higgs boson history HIV Hixson-Lied College of Fine and Performing Arts HomeGener8 horticulture Human Capital Index Hunts® I-Corps ICARE Ilya Kravchenko India Industrial Arts Building Industry Relations International Science and Engineering Visualization Challenge irrigation James B. Milliken James Van Etten Jason Bartz Jeffrey S. Raikes School of Computer Science and Management Jewish Publication Society Jim Clifton Joel Brehm Johney Green Jr. Johns Hopkins University Jo Potuto journalism Judith Burnfield Justin van Wart Ken Cassman Ken Morrison Life Sciences Research Center Kenneth Winkle Kim Todd kindergarten Konstantinos Giannakas Lactobacillus language leadership learning life sciences research literacy livestock Louis Infante Madonna Rehabilitation Hospital magnetoelectric coupling Margaret Jacobs materials research Materials Research Science and Engineering Center Mathias Schubert Matthew Waite Memorial Stadium memory Michael Fromm microbiology Microsoft Mike Nastasi MRSEC multihop systems Nancy Keegan Nano Nanoscience NASA National Center for Research Resources National Drought Mitigation Center National Endowment for the Humanities National Institute of Food and Agriculture National Institutes of Health National Science Foundation natural disasters natural resources Nature Communications NCAA NCMN Nebraska Center for Energy Sciences Research Nebraska Center for Materials and Nanoscience Nebraska Center for Research on Children Youth Families and Schools Nebraska Center for Virology Nebraska Department of Agriculture Nebraska Department of Economic Development Nebraska Innovation Campus Nebraska Intelligent MoBile Unmanned Systems Lab Nebraska Lectures Nebraska Public Power District Netherlands neurologic disorders newsgathering news reporting NIMBUS nuclear medicine NUtech Ventures orthopedic disorders Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum partnerships Patricio Grassini Peter Calow Peter Kiewit Institute PET scans physics plant molecular biology plant pathology plant science political science Prem Paul preschoolers presidential campaign prion disease psychology Qingsheng Li rehabilitation Research Fair Ricardo Inc. Robert B. Daugherty Charitable Foundation Robert B. Daugherty Water for Food Institute Roberto Lenton robotics Rod Moxley Ronnie Green Ross Secord Rural America Rural Futures Conference Rural Futures Institute Ryan Anderson Sam Allgood scanning probe microscopy School of Natural Resources Science Sebastian Elbaum Shannon Bartelt-Hunt Shi-hua Xiang Sifrhippus smart grid sociology software and systems engineering soil solar power SportsArt Fitness Inc startup State Administration of Grain Stephen DiMagno Sub-Saharan African Survey Research and Methodology Program Susan Sheridan switchgrass therapy Theresa Welbourne Thomas P. Russell Tim Hemsath Timothy Wei tomatoes U.S. Air Force Office of Scientific Research U.S. Census Bureau U.S. Department of Agriculture U.S. Department of Education U.S. Department of Energy UAV UNESCO-IHE Institute for Water Education University of Nebraska Medical Center University of Nebraska Press University of Nebraska State Museum unmanned aerial vehicles USAID virology Voelte-Keegan Nanoscience Research Center voltage-free Wageningen University water weather wildlife William Walstad wind power wireless sensor networks Xi'an Jiaotong University Xia Hong Yield Gap Yi Qian Yong Ding Yongfeng Lu Zoya Avramova