Visit the Federal Research Updates 2025 website for current resources.

Full Board Meeting Dates

For projects or business that require Full Board review, IRB meetings are scheduled and held throughout the year based on the academic calendar.  Projects requiring Full Board review do not fit into an Exempt or Expedited review category and/or could be considered greater than minimal risk and/or may include a vulnerable population. If you have any questions or are unsure if your project is subject to submission deadlines, please contact one of the IRB coordinators.

Meetings are scheduled for the Spring, Summer, and Fall months based on IRB member schedules.

Meeting Dates (submission deadlines by end of day) are as follows:

Meeting dates are updated prior to the last date listed.

Be aware of submission deadlines!  Submission deadlines are generally set as the first business Monday of each month but could be earlier depending on the time of year, especially around holidays. Submission deadlines should be followed to allow for Full Board preparation and adequate IRB review time. Research Compliance Services staff will conduct a pre-review of the application materials to ensure the IRB has all required materials to conduct a review and render a decision.  We hope that with a pre-review we are able to avoid the possibility of a decision to “table” a project.  To learn more about the review process please visit Review, Approval and Post-Approval Requirements.