Visit the Federal Research Updates 2025 website for current resources.

The University of Nebraska-Lincoln is committed to the ethical conduct of research. Anyone internal or external to the University who knows of or suspects research is not being conducted in accordance with federal, state, or university requirements should contact Research Compliance, Integrity, and Security by phone (402-472-6965) or email, or through the UNL Compliance Hotline as described below.

The purpose of the UNL Compliance Hotline (1-844-348-9584 or is to provide an additional communication channel for reporting activity or conduct that may violate University of Nebraska or UNL policies and procedures, and/or federal, state or local laws and regulations. Concerns received through the compliance hotline will be investigated and appropriate follow-up actions taken. Examples of such concerns might include:

Internal Reporting Concerns

Faculty, staff, or students who have compliance-related questions or concerns are encouraged to share them as soon as possible so an appropriate action may be taken. Multiple communication channels are available for asking questions and reporting concerns. Whenever possible, faculty, staff and students are encouraged to obtain guidance or share concerns with their supervisors first. However, they may use any of the following communication channels: 

Compliance Hotline

The Compliance Hotline is operated by a third-party organization hired to collect and document information provided by the caller or via an online web form. It operates seven days a week, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

For those using the online reporting form (

For those calling into the reporting number (1-844-348-9584):

Whether utilizing the online reporting format or calling into the hotline, users are strongly encouraged to provide as much detail as possible so that responsible parties are better able to investigate the concerns.

Confidentiality/Good Faith Reporting

UNL shall attempt to maintain the confidentiality of an individual who reports concerns or misconduct upon request. However, confidentiality cannot be guaranteed, and disclosure of the individual’s identity may be necessary in order to fully investigate the concern. There is no retribution or discipline for anyone who reports a concern in good faith. Individuals shall not intentionally use the hotline to make false allegations. 

Compliance with Standards

All UNL faculty, staff and students are expected to understand and follow regulations and policies applicable to their responsibilities. They are encouraged to report compliance concerns to maintain the integrity of the research at UNL.

Other Resources