Brain Holds Clues to Obesity Interventions

Timothy Nelson. Inset photo courtesy of Shutterstock.

Imagine getting a glimpse of a brain’s reaction to the first sip of a delicious milkshake. Is it characterized by calm self-regulation – or overexcitement? Nebraska researchers are using this and other data as they study factors that affect adolescents’ and young adults’ health, with an eye toward finding intervention strategies to head off obesity,… Continue reading Brain Holds Clues to Obesity Interventions

Interacting with Voice Assistants Eases Loneliness

Changmin Yan and Valerie Jones

“Good morning, Alexa.”“Good morning, Martha.” Interacting with personal voice assistants such as Amazon’s Echo Dot, otherwise known as Alexa, can lessen loneliness in older Americans who live alone, according to a Nebraska study. Loneliness – the perception of feeling disconnected – is so pervasive, especially among older people, that it’s considered an epidemic with public… Continue reading Interacting with Voice Assistants Eases Loneliness

Helping Preschool Teachers Better Manage Stress

Holly Hatton-Bowers (left) and Carrie Clark (right) read to preschool students.

A restless child has trouble napping at preschool and seeks his teacher’s attention. Two preschoolers battle over a toy in a busy classroom, sparking a conflict that ends in hitting or crying. Countless similar scenarios unfold daily at child care centers nationwide, which enroll more than 60% of 3- to 5-year-olds in the U.S. How… Continue reading Helping Preschool Teachers Better Manage Stress

Strengthening Support for Children with Disabilities

From left: Rachel Schachter, Sue Sheridan, Gwen Nugent, Lisa Knoche, all of UNL, and Sue Bainter, Nebraska Department of Education.

Parents of young children with disabilities face unique challenges and special stresses. So, too, do the personnel who help these families. Coaching gives early childhood intervention workers tools and assistance to help them better meet the needs of the families they support, ultimately improving children’s development. Nebraska researchers partnered with the state to strengthen its… Continue reading Strengthening Support for Children with Disabilities

Tracking Real-Time Physiological Reactions to Racism

Bridget Goosby

Studies link the stress of racism to higher rates of chronic illnesses among people of color. An interdisciplinary team of Nebraska and Texas researchers is one of the first to demonstrate the physiological responses connecting racism and health outcomes in real time. “Our findings build on previous research and add to it by showing how… Continue reading Tracking Real-Time Physiological Reactions to Racism