Tracking Real-Time Physiological Reactions to Racism

Bridget Goosby

Studies link the stress of racism to higher rates of chronic illnesses among people of color. An interdisciplinary team of Nebraska and Texas researchers is one of the first to demonstrate the physiological responses connecting racism and health outcomes in real time. “Our findings build on previous research and add to it by showing how… Continue reading Tracking Real-Time Physiological Reactions to Racism

Linking Sexual Stigma and Dating Violence

Katie Edwards

Intimate partner violence, which includes physical, sexual and psychological abuse, carries enormous costs, including physical and psychological distress and increased school dropout rates. Sexual minorities experience higher rates of intimate partner violence than heterosexual people. One explanation for this pattern is sexual stigma: negative attitudes and discrimination from individuals and institutions. This external stress can… Continue reading Linking Sexual Stigma and Dating Violence

Helping High-Risk Groups Cope with COVID

Trey Andrews

The COVID-19 pandemic has illuminated health disparities stemming from diverse factors, including race, ethnicity and underlying health conditions. Arthur “Trey” Andrews, assistant professor of psychology and ethnic studies, is examining two groups disproportionately affected by COVID-19: U.S. Latinos and people with histories of substance abuse. He’s collecting survey information about their willingness to seek testing,… Continue reading Helping High-Risk Groups Cope with COVID