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Research Compliance Services Video Resources

Below are videos from recorded informational sessions as well as brief tutorials pertaining to specific topics that may be of interest to researchers. Please note that these videos are only accessible to those with an “” email address and we ask that you please do not download and distribute this information. If you are an investigator or researcher outside of the UNL community and would like access to these resources, please contact the Research Compliance Services director.

Table of Contents:

IRB/Human Subjects Research

Export Controls

Conflict of Interest

NuRamp Navigation

Responsible Conduct of Research

Research Compliance Services Overview

IRB/Human Subjects Research

Changes to the Common Rule (45 CFR 46)
This informational session held on November 30, 2018 reviewed the upcoming changes to the Common Rule and related UNL policies to ensure campus researchers and investigators are aware and prepared.

When Do You Need IRB Approval: Collaborators, Data, and Biospecimens
This informational session held on July 31, 2018 discussed the requirements for IRB approval; revealed some helpful hints regarding grant proposals involving human subjects, understanding review categories, and determining if collaborators are engaged in human subjects research; and had some insights from an NIH funded Principal Investigator who has experience with multi-site projects.

Multi-Site & Single IRB (sIRB) Training
This informational session held on April 10, 2018 discussed the multi-site and sIRB requirements and how best to navigate them; revealed some helpful hints and common points of confusion with sIRB, multi-site projects, and SMART IRB; provided information on new human subjects NIH proposal requirements; and provided some insights from an NIH funded principal investigator who has experience with sIRB and multi-site projects. Note: If you will be conducting a multi-site research project with sIRB requirements, please contact the IRB coordinator listed within your protocol in NuRamp as soon as possible to discuss timelines and procedures.

IRB – Back to the Basics
This training on April 17, 2019 covers the basics of IRB protocol submission and provides investigators with helpful tips about where to find templates, policies, and other up-to-date information as it relates to human subjects research and the IRB review process. During this session, the basics of human subjects research, how and when to use the available template documents, and references for guidance and websites were discussed. Following the formal presentation, investigator questions were answered in an open Q & A style.

UNL HRPP Policy #3.019 International Conference on Harmonization – Good Clinical Practice (ICH-GCP) E6R2 Compliance: Policy Overview
This short video will provide a brief overview of HRPP Policy 3.019 related to ICH-GCP requirements and compliance for applicable research conducted at UNL.

Export Controls

Export Controls Campus Training
This informational session held on December 11, 2018 discussed a general overview of export control regulations and data and IT security requirements; provided information regarding the differences between Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI) and Covered Defense Information (CD); and revealed some helpful hints from NU One ITS regarding use of Microsoft

Export Controls: Basic Overview
This informational session held on April 17, 2019 discussed a basic overview export control regulations and how they apply to UNL activities.

NuRamp: Basic Overview
This short video will provide a brief overview of navigating the Export Controls Module in NuRamp.

NuRamp: Assessment Form Overview
This short video will provide a brief overview of completing an Assessment form when hosting a J-1 scholar or hiring an H-1B employee.

International Travel and Foreign Influence (Global Affairs and Export Control) Training
This training held on November 8th, 2024, was a joint collaboration with Global Affairs and Export Control and discussed international travel, new travel regulations, cybersecurity, foreign influence and university policy.

Conflict of Interest

Need Help Navigating NuRamp & the COI/COC Disclosure? Watch these short tutorials!

Conflict of Interest (COI) and Conflict of Commitment (COC) Video Resources Guide (3:00 minutes)
Unsure which of the COI/COC videos below to watch? Watch this brief overview of each video’s subject matter.

How to Access a Submitted COI/COC Disclosure (2:58 minutes)
Trouble getting to your already submitted COI/COC Disclosure? This video is a short tutorial on how to access a submitted COI/COC Disclosure form if you’d like to reference your previous Disclosure.

How to Start a COI/COC Change Request Form (3:42 minutes)
Need to update your COI/COC Disclosure? This video is a short tutorial that describes when you should complete a Change Request Form and how to do so.

How to Start A COI/COC Disclosure (2:52 minutes)
Filling out a COI/COC Disclosure for the first time? Start Here! This video is a short tutorial on how to login to NuRamp and access a new COI/COC Disclosure Form.

How to Route a COI/COC Annual Disclosure (3:06 minutes)
After filling out your Disclosure, you will need to route the form for submission to our office. This video walks through that routing process.

How to Make Revisions to a COI/COC Disclosure (2:58 minutes)
Have you received a notification that your Disclosure requires some revisions or need help accessing your not yet submitted COI/COC Disclosure? This video walks you through accessing and editing your Disclosure.

Navigating the Sections of the COI/COC Disclosure (3:55 minutes)
Not sure what to report where? This is a short tutorial that explains the different sections, or pages, of the COI/COC Disclosure. It might be helpful if you don’t know the difference between ICOI and FCOI, or if revisions have been requested and you’re not sure how to navigate to the correct spot within the form.

Outside Activities vs. Remuneration (3:21 minutes)
Not sure how to report an outside activity, a financial interest (e.g., remuneration), and/or both? This video is a short tutorial that describes when an activity should be reported as an outside activity, as a financial interest, or as both. It also briefly explains the review process of the COI/COC Disclosure.

Curious about Conflicts of Interest? Watch these training videos!

Foreign Influence, Conflicts of Interest (COI), and Conflicts of Commitment (COC)/Outside Activities
This informational presentation will show you how to navigate Foreign Influence, COIs, and COCs. It also provides links to policies, guidelines, and a brief checklist for Chairs/Supervisors to utilize when reviewing an employee’s COI/COC disclosure form.

What is a COI in Research?
Want to know the basics of what constitutes a Conflict of Interest (COI)? Watch this short video to help become better acquainted with COI!

NuRamp Navigation

NuRamp Transition Training Videos
The following videos are a primer for how to navigate and use various features within the IRB module on NuRamp.

Responsible Conduct of Research

Responsible Conduct of Research: Scientific Investigation with Integrity
This informational presentation provides basic and foundational concepts regarding the responsible conduct of research. It also provides links to related UNL policies and guidance information along with some case studies in order to ensure campus researchers and students understand how to navigate ethical problems they may encounter during the course of their research.

Research Compliance Services Overview

These videos provide a brief overview of the areas of compliance for which RCS is responsible. Each video gives a short introduction to the concept and provides an example or two of the importance of compliance to a research institution.

Introduction and Financial Conflict of Interest

Institutional Review Board

Export Control

Research Misconduct and the Responsible Conduct of Research

Scientific Research Oversight Committee and RCS Contact Information