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UNL named global ‘Rising Star’ in research


Ashley Washburn, July 28, 2016 | View original publication

UNL named global ‘Rising Star’ in research

Springer Nature, one of the world’s leading publishers of natural science research, has named the University of Nebraska-Lincoln to its international list of 2016 Rising Stars.

The list ranks UNL No. 9 among U.S. institutions, No. 11 in North America and No. 90 among more than 8,000 worldwide research institutions. The rankings were generated by the Nature Index, which tracked increases in the number of articles that institutions contributed to 68 top-flight natural science journals between 2012 and 2015.

The selected journals – including publications such as Nature, Science andProceedings of the National Academy of Sciences – comprise those that surveyed scholars consider the most prized landing sites for their physical and life sciences research.

“By identifying these rising stars, we’ve given an insight into which new emerging institutions are likely to play a role in addressing some of the globe’s most pressing challenges,” said David Swinbanks, founder of the Nature Index.

UNL represents one of two Big Ten universities on the global list, with the University of Michigan checking in at No. 80. The rankings are available online and included as a supplement to the July 28 issue of Nature.
