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Grand Challenges

From Nebraska to Kenya, project aims to fulfill a Grand Challenge

July 18, 2024

A group of University of Nebraska–Lincoln researchers and students is in Nairobi, Kenya, to learn about forced migration-affected persons, families and communities as part of the Pamoja Project. 

With funding from a Grand Challenges Planning Grant, the UNL team partnered with Amref International University and Moi University researchers as well as with Umoja Refugee Creative, a Nairobi-based refugee-led organization.


Student Research

Honey production sweetens Bee Lab’s research

July 24, 2024

Each summer, students in Judy Wu-Smart’s bee laboratory harvest honey made by their winged colleagues to sell to the public. 

The golden nectar is an outgrowth of the researchers’ primary work and its sales help further the team’s mission, said Shelby Kittle, a graduate student who manages the lab’s honey sales.


Center on Children Families and the Law

Nebraska team leads $1.3M project to improve youth homelessness supports

July 23, 2024

The University of Nebraska–Lincoln is leading a project to create a statewide network to support youth experiencing or threatened by homelessness.

Funded by a $1.3 million Youth Homelessness System improvement grant from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, the project will link partner organizations statewide, create systems that better identify youth in need and improve access to necessary support services.


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