Student Research at Nebraska
Students are key players in Nebraska’s research enterprise, driving forward the day-to-day work in laboratories across campus and helping to power behind-the-scenes research operations. The Office of Research and Innovation supports these efforts in various ways, including helping Husker students stay informed about Student Research Days programming; enabling them to explore career opportunities in the growing field of research administration; and connecting them to various research opportunities and mentors.
Three of the university’s major student research opportunities are described below, but there are many other ways for students to engage in research. The Office of Undergraduate Research and Fellowships offers a comprehensive resource focused on student research opportunities. The Office of Graduate Studies website highlights the supports available for graduate students, including career development programs and funding opportunities. In addition, students are encouraged to contact their department and/or college about additional opportunities that may be available.

Undergraduate Creative Activities and Research Experiences program
UCARE is a paid opportunity for students to work with a world-class UNL faculty mentor to conduct cutting-edge research that will impact lives in Nebraska and beyond. The program supports original work in every field and major, including agriculture, arts, architecture, education, engineering, humanities, journalism and the sciences. The program also offers professional development workshops, research symposium events and access to travel or supplies funding.

First Year Research Experience program
Through FYRE, Federal Work Study awards support eligible freshmen in a research or creative activities job that is guided and supervised by a faculty member. During the academic year, FYRE students work 5-10 hours per week on their assigned project and are paid an hourly wage. They also participate in skill-building events, workshops and a professional development program. Many FYRE students participate in an academic conference or creative performance/exhibition, publish their work in academic journals, and leverage their experience to gain additional scholarships, fellowships and UCARE funding.
Nebraska Summer Research Program
This intensive summer research experience is a consortium of National Science Foundation-funded Research Experiences for Undergraduates programs and other summer research opportunities programs. In partnership with the Office of Graduate Studies, the programs provide participants a sense of community, mentoring, research experiences and a preview of graduate school life. Students participate in workshops focused on various aspects of research, including data visualization, scientific writing and development of research posters. Participants receive stipends that average between $5,000 and $6,000.