Institutional Information

Legal Name

Note: All sponsored agreements (contracts & grants) must be made between the funding agency and the Board of Regents. The department, college, or any individual cannot serve as the legal applicant.

Board of Regents of the University of Nebraska for the University of Nebraska-Lincoln.
Authorized Institutional OfficialSam Mombou, Director
Office of Sponsored Programs
151 Prem S. Paul Research Center at Whittier School
2200 Vine Street
Lincoln NE 68583-0861
Telephone: 402-472-3171
Fax: 402-472-9323
Congressional DistrictNE-001
State Legislative District46
UNL IRS Tax Status501(c)(3)
UNL Date of IncorporationFebruary 15, 1869
Cognizant Agency and Rate Agreement LinkDHHS, Denise Shirlee, 214-767-3261, 12/17/2020
Employer ID (EIN/TIN)47-0049123 or 147-0049123A8 (NIH only)
DUNS Number55-545-6995
Unique Entity ID (UEI)HTQ6K6NJFHA6
CAGE Code4B842
NSF Institutional Code (FICE#)002565
NIH IPF578103
European Commission PIC998087709
House of Representatives MemberMike Flood
Nebraska U.S. SenatorsDeb Fischer and Pete Ricketts
Make Checks Payable toUniversity of Nebraska – Lincoln
Mail Award Checks toUniversity of Nebraska-Lincoln
151 Prem S. Paul Research Center at Whittier School
2200 Vine Street
Lincoln NE 68583-0861
Financial/Fiscal Officer for ProposalsSam Mombou
Director, Office of Sponsored Programs
Authorized University SignaturesAll Grant Awards: Sam Mombou
Contracts up to $1,000,000: Sam Mombou
Contracts over $1,000,000: Business and Finance
Note: bring all contracts to OSP for review and processing
Human Subject Federalwide Assurance (FWA) NumberFWA00002258

Expires: 8/26/2026

Animal Welfare Assurance NumberD16-00289  (A3459-01)
AAALAC Accreditationcertification #001578 (10/27/2014)
Misconduct in Science, Initial AssuranceOctober 6, 1994

Contacts for Compliance Questions

Biosafety Committee Rebecca Cederberg
(402) 472-9439
Institutional Review BoardRachel Wenzl
(402) 472-8196
Conflict of InterestSara Quinn
(402) 472-4491
Environmental Health & Safety IssuesBrenda Osthus
(402) 472-4927
Institutional Animal Care & UseMegan Ebbers
(402) 472-4486
NUtech Ventures(402) 472-1783

Frequently Used Links

Uniform Guidance Single Audit
The University of Nebraska Board of Regents Homepage