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Updates from the Research COVID-19 Task Force: Aug. 10-14

News for Researchers

Posted August 10, 2020 by Dan Moser

As UNL continues making plans for the fall semester, the Research Task Force is sending regular updates to investigators on topics related to resuming research and creative activities. This message addresses topics for the week of Aug. 10-14.

Charging salaries, benefits to federally funded projects

The Office of Management and Budget guidance (M-20-26) recently extended federal funding agencies’ ability to allow recipients to continue charging salaries and benefits to active federal and non-federal research through Sept. 30, even if those employees cannot work remotely or on campus. However, grant recipients will need to follow a new tracking requirement that documents their effort to exhaust other funding sources and reduce overall costs. The Office of Sponsored Programs has created a simple reporting tool to help faculty track idle time. Investigators are encouraged to read the FAQ guide as well.

Ordering PPE for fall semester

Sanitizer, disinfecting supplies and limited personal protective equipment are available to research teams at no cost through UNL Marketplace. Items will be added regularly, so make sure to check the site often.

Travel approvals to route through Concur

University-sponsored domestic travel outside Nebraska is highly discouraged. However, when travel is deemed necessary, two levels of authorization approval are required. The approval process will be tracked through the existing pre-trip authorization process in Concur, which is accessible through the Firefly portal under the business applications tab. Financial approvers will need to manually delegate the travel authorization to the next-level supervisor for approval. More information is available via Nebraska Today.

August operational status

The following guidelines for August operations are described in further detail at

>> Abide by local health guidance.

>> Follow all UNL health and safety policies.

>> Continue reducing workplace density and work remotely when possible.

>> Normal access to campus buildings resumes Aug. 10.

>> Package delivery resumes to campus sites Aug. 10.

>> International travel is prohibited. University-sponsored domestic travel outside Nebraska is highly discouraged and requires two levels of authorization approval.

This communication is distributed to principal investigators with approved research and creative activity re-opening plans as well as the associate deans for research. Please share this guidance with members of your research team as appropriate.

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