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Sources of Non-Federal Support for Idle Time

The White House Office of Management and Budget (OMB) issued a memo on June 18 allowing federal funding agencies to continue to provide certain administrative flexibilities to their grantees as a result of the global pandemic. The new memo (OMB M 20-26) extends the ability of funding agencies to allow recipients to continue to charge salaries and benefits to active federal and non-federal research consistent with the recipients' policy of paying salaries through September 30, 2020.

However, the OMB memo has added new restrictions. OMB now directs agencies to require grantees to "exhaust other available funding sources to sustain its workforce and implement necessary steps to save overall operational costs … in order to preserve Federal funds for the ramp-up effort" The memo also directs that grant recipients should "retain documentation of their efforts to exhaust other funding sources and reduce overall operational costs."

To fulfill the new requirement we require that faculty who continue to utilize the flexibilities provided by the OMB memo and your funding agency, document additional funding sources that are available to them and a reason why they are not being used to offset the costs. This information will be used to satisfy future audit requirements of this memorandum.

This is only necessary for research taking advantage of this flexibility after June 18. Please complete the form below for each award where idle or reduced time has been reported after June 18.

Project Information

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Once completed, please keep a copy in your departmental files as well as send a copy to your OSP Project Specialist.

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