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University updates conflicts of interest, commitment policy

News for Researchers

Posted September 18, 2024 by Troy Fedderson

The University of Nebraska–Lincoln has updated its Conflicts of Interest/Conflicts of Commitment policy and program to include faculty and staff beyond those engaged in research, including managerial, professional and administrator roles.

The program — which aligns with policy approved by the University of Nebraska Board of Regents — requires employees to identify areas where personal interests or relationships might affect work duties and decision-making.

Previously, the Conflicts of Interest/Commitment program has focused on faculty, research teams and graduate students completing disclosures. The update to include additional employees is to ensure transparency, policy adherence, integrity and fairness across all university operations.

Policy updates, which launched in June, include:

• Clearly defining COI/COC areas and expectations, and expanding policy language to be more inclusive of employees working in non-research areas who need to complete annual disclosures;

• Updates to meet new federal research sponsor requirements, including those of the Department of Energy and National Science Foundation; and

• Aligning the Conflict of Interest in Research Committee to be a singular committee focused on all areas of university business, not just research.

“By more intentionally expanding the reach of this program, we reinforce our university’s commitment to transparency and fairness,” said Sherri Jones, interim vice chancellor for research and innovation. “This unified approach not only enhances our collegiality but also strengthens the integrity of our academic and administrative processes, ultimately enriching our campus as a whole.”

The update has been led by an implementation group formed in the spring. The work has included updates to the disclosure form in NuRamp, more streamlined training content, and related webpages, including the creation of a frequently asked questions section.

A rollout schedule started in the summer and will continue through the fall and spring semesters. A complete schedule is available here. Unit leaders are being contacted ahead of their scheduled participation. Communication will be sent to individual employees who are expected to complete the disclosure. Only those who have never completed a disclosure or have an expired form will be asked to participate in the rollout.

Individuals who must complete the disclosure include:

• All full-time faculty, including those with nine-month appointments;

• Managerial/professional staff and administrators;

• Anyone responsible for the design, conduct, administration or reporting of research;

• Anyone with an outside professional activity that involves a foreign government, quasi-government, institution or other foreign entity (including businesses);

• All employees issued a university purchasing card;

• Employees with delegated signature authority; and

• Anyone otherwise directed to complete the disclosure form.

Conflicts of Interest/Commitment disclosures will be completed on an annual basis moving forward. Anyone not listed above is only required to complete a disclosure if they have something that could affect their institutional responsibilities. Individuals who need to complete the disclosure can log in and learn more in NURamp.

Learn more about the university’s Conflicts of Interest/Conflicts of Commitment program

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