jbrehm2, August 29, 2012 | View original publication
Rural Futures grant information
UNL faculty and staff can learn more about two competitive grant opportunities available through the University of Nebraska Rural Futures Institute at informational sessions Sept. 7.
Meetings at 10 a.m. in the East Union and at 1 p.m. in the Nebraska Union will provide an overview of the grants and answer questions. A request for proposals has been issued for two competitive grants, one for research and engagement, and the other for teaching and engagement. The pre-proposals for the research grant are due Oct. 12. Full proposals for the teaching grants are due Oct. 19 with no pre-proposal required. All faculty and staff members in the University of Nebraska system are eligible to apply.
The research and engagement grants aim to foster development of innovative multidisciplinary research initiatives around topics that address issues critical to the future of rural communities and landscapes. Up to eight awards will be made, ranging from $75,000-$150,000 each.
The teaching and engagement grant is to connect student learning and community engagement through the development, teaching, research and administration of transformational service learning courses. Up to eight awards will be made, ranging from $15,000-$25,000 each.
Read more about the grants in a news story announcing them.