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Register for early career workshop

jbrehm2, March 26, 2014

Register for early career workshop

A luncheon workshop to help UNL pre-tenure faculty develop successful early career proposals for the National Science Foundation, Department of Defense and Department of Energy is April 8, 11 a.m.-2 p.m., in the Nebraska East Union Goldenrod and Sunflower rooms. Advance registration is required by April 2.

The workshop is sponsored by the Office of Research and Economic Development. Go here to register and learn more.

The morning session will focus on NSF’s Faculty Early Career Development Program. A panel of previous UNL CAREER awardees will share tips for developing and submitting proposals.

During a networking luncheon, the Office of Proposal Development and the Bureau of Sociological Research will lead discussions on proposal development resources available for UNL researchers.

The workshop will conclude with presentations on applying for other early career funding programs, including DOD’s Young Investigator Program and DOE’s Early Career Research Program. Participants also will learn about opportunities to collaborate with industry.

For more information, contact Tisha Mullen, director of proposal development, (402) 472-2894(402) 472-2894.