jbrehm2, October 25, 2013 | View original publication
Press acquires Gettysburg Magazine
The University of Nebraska Press is pleased to announce the purchase of Gettysburg Magazine, the premier publication dedicated to covering the Battle of Gettysburg and the Civil War.
Gettysburg Magazine, published semi-annually, features well-researched articles supplemented by modern and historic photographs and quality maps.
"Acquisition of the magazine aligns extremely well with the Press’s publishing program," said Donna Shear, director of the University of Nebraska Press. "We are committed to continuing the kinds of articles the magazine’s readers have come to expect, and hope to add and expand upon that strong foundation."
UNP has a long-standing dedication to publishing works in Civil War history. This tradition, in combination with the recent acquisition by UNP of Potomac Books, will allow the Press to continue to make a significant contribution to the field. Over the next 12 months, UNP will release new books in its "This Hallowed Ground" series, which features battlefield guides designed for the non-specialist, and Potomac Books will publish Gettysburg, 1863 by Brooks D. Simpson, (October 2014).
"With the Press's long history of publishing quality history titles, including numerous works on the Civil War, they will continue producing a magazine readers will enjoy," said Andy Turner, the magazine’s former owner.
UNP will honor all existing subscriptions and will fulfill orders taken for single issues. Turner will continue to fulfill requests for bound volumes through ordering online at gatehouse-press.com. "We are grateful for the continued support and patience of the subscribers," Shear commented. "Issue #48 is near completion and we hope to have issue #49 shortly thereafter."
About Gettysburg Magazine: Established in 1989, The Gettysburg Magazine publishes accessible and engaging works of original scholarship concerning the battle and campaign of Gettysburg. Serving a community comprised of both professional academics and independent scholars alike, the magazine showcases a broad array of historical, field, and personal essays, as well as features considering primary documents and first-hand accounts from battle participants, art, and photography of and from the site.
About the University of Nebraska Press: Founded in 1941, and located in Lincoln, the University of Nebraska Press is a nonprofit scholarly and general interest press that publishes 170 titles annually under the Nebraska, Bison Books, and Potomac Books imprints, along with 27 journals. It is the largest and most diversified university press between Chicago and California, with 3,000 books in print. For more information, visit nebraskapress.unl.edu.