Nebraska Research Initiative (NRI) Request for Proposals – Major Research Instrumentation FY2011

jbrehm2, April 15, 2011 | View original publication

Nebraska Research Initiative (NRI) Request for Proposals – Major Research Instrumentation FY2011

The University of Nebraska Research Initiative has released a request for proposals for the purchase of multi-user major research instrumentation costing $500,000 or more to upgrade existing research core facilities, whether or not those core facilities receive ongoing NRI support for operation. NRI is an investment by the State of Nebraska designed to build the research capacity within the University of Nebraska, consistent with the interests of existing and potential growth areas of business and industry, agriculture, social services, and health care, and to encourage economic growth through specifically targeted research programs.   

The focus of this request for proposals is on multi-user equipment. Proposals for equipment usable by only a single group of investigators in a particular discipline will receive lower priority. Special consideration will be given to proposals that will request equipment that will be used by researchers on more than one NU campus. 

Where all full-time University of Nebraska faculty are eligible to apply, proposals should originate among formal or informal groups of investigators who perceive a common need for the instrumentation. Intercampus proposals are strongly encouraged and will be given a high priority, as will requests for equipment that enables new research capacity for diverse sets of investigators.

Proposals must have the formal recommendation by, and approval of, pertinent NU campus research officials  (e.g., if a proposal includes researchers from two campuses, the cognizant campus official from both campuses must approve and recommend the proposal).

All proposals must be submitted using the template below. The project description is limited to 3 single-spaced pages with one-inch margins and 12-point font. Any diagrams, illustrations and references will count toward the 3-page limit. Additionally, proposals should include c.v.s that contain information about external grant funding history (not including NRI) for all faculty members listed on the proposal. Further details on the application format can be found in the attached documents.

The Office of Research & Economic Development (ORED) will establish a campus-level review process to rank the proposals. Those selected by ORED will be forwarded, in campus priority order, to the NU Executive Vice President and Provost for consideration of funding. Preference will be given to proposals for unusual multi-user equipment opportunities that broadly will enhance research capabilities. Special consideration will be given for proposals that include researchers on more than one NU campus.

Funding Duration and Limit
Funding will be provided on a one-time basis only. Ideally, funds should be encumbered before the end of the 2011 fiscal year. Because this call is for major instrumentation, only instruments valued at $500,000 or more may be requested.
Funding is available only for the cost of equipment purchase. Funds may not be used for salary, staff hires, service contracts or for renovation, remodeling or alteration of facilities.

Final proposals should be emailed as one single document to by 4:00 p.m. on Monday, May 2, 2011. Late proposals will not be accepted. If you have questions, please contact Peg Filliez ( or 402-472-2851).

Cover letter
