Jennifer Nelson
The Office of Research and Innovation provides the leadership, services and infrastructure that assist faculty and support growth in research, scholarly and creative activity. R&I’s goal is to cultivate an innovative environment that transforms lives and learning through research and innovation. R&I works in partnership with vice chancellors, deans, center directors and department chairs to achieve these goals.
Office of the Vice Chancellor
301 Canfield Administration Building Lincoln, NE 68588-0433
Name | Title | Phone | |
Heather Borck | Research Development Program Coordinator | hborck2@unl.edu | 402-472-4090 |
Jocelyn Bosley | Research Impact Coordinator | jbosley@unl.edu | 402-472-1181 |
Becky Carter | Organizational Development Specialist | becky.carter@unl.edu | 402-472-3136 |
Mekenzie Clover | Research Portfolio Manager II | mkerr4@unl.edu | 402-472-4050 |
Tony Delaney | Research Project Manager I | adelaney2@unl.edu | 402-472-0346 |
Brande Dicks | Lead Research Portfolio Manager | bdicks2@unl.edu | 402-472-3279 |
Matthew Dwyer | Partnerships and Program Lead | mdwyer4@unl.edu | 402-472-1661 |
Anjeza Erickson | Research Infrastructure Manager | anjeza.erickson@unl.edu | 402-472-7397 |
AJ Fabry | Human Resources Coordinator | afabry2@unl.edu | 402-472-3303 |
Nick Glass | Research Building Systems Lead Technician | nick.glass@unl.edu | 402-310-8809 |
Mari Greer | Administrative Coordinator | mgreer1@unl.edu | 402-472-2851 |
Mary Guest | Executive Assistant | mary.guest@unl.edu | 402-472-3123 |
Deb Hamernik | Institutional Official (Biosafety and Animal Research) and Senior Research Advisor | dhamernik2@unl.edu | 402-472-8222 |
Jackson Hardin | Funding Opportunity Coordinator | jhardin11@unl.edu | 402-472-0387 |
Jessica Herrmann | Director of Government Relations | jherrmann2@unl.edu | 402-472-3554 |
Tiffani Hix | Director, Project Management Office | thix2@unl.edu | 402-472-7034 |
Sherri Jones | Senior Research Advisor | sherri.jones@unl.edu | 402-472-3123 |
Alian Kasabian | Research Data and Security Liaison | aliank@unl.edu | 402-472-6145 |
Anna Lowe | Executive Specialist | alowe12@unl.edu | 402-472-3123 |
Lisa Maupin | Events & Outreach Manager | lmaupin2@unl.edu | 402-472-0030 |
Nathan Meier | Associate Vice Chancellor for Research, Capacity and Competitiveness | nlm@unl.edu | 402-472-3902 |
Jennifer Nelson | Interim Vice Chancellor for Research and Innovation | jnelson18@unl.edu | 402-472-3123 |
Allyn Pella | Research Portfolio Manager II | apella2@unl.edu | 402-472-6939 |
Jordan Soliz | Research Integrity Officer and Institutional Official (Human Research, CIO) | jsoliz2@unl.edu | 402-472-2812 |
Petrina Suiter | Director, Research Development | petrina.suiter@unl.edu | 402-472-1185 |
Stephanie Vendetti | Events Coordinator | stephanie.vendetti@unl.edu | 402-472-6566 |
Elyse Watson | Research Project Manager II | elyse.watson@unl.edu | 402-472-4375 |
Ember Welsch | Human Resources Coordinator Lead | ewelsch2@unl.edu | 402-472-4563 |
Chris Yeaw | Research Director for Nuclear Programs | cyeaw@nsri.nebraskaresearch.gov | 318-532-1348 |
Becky Zavala | Associate Vice Chancellor for Research and Innovation, Administration | rzavala2@unl.edu | 402-472-0735 |
Industry Relations
Nebraska Innovation Campus, 2021 Transformation Dr., Suite 2220, Lincoln NE 68583-6202
Name | Title | Phone | |
Ryan Anderson | Director of Industry Relations | randerson13@unl.edu | 402-472-4069 |
Kara Kugler-Wright | Capstone Development Manager | karakw@unl.edu | 402-472-5169 |
Institutional Animal Care Program
110 Mussehl Hall, 38th & Fair Street, Lincoln, NE 68583-0720
Phone 402-472-4486; fax 402-472-5887; email iacuc@unl.edu
Name | Title | Phone | |
Melissa Bausch | Senior Clinical Veterinarian | mbausch2@unl.edu | 402-472-7536 |
Jesse Baumann-Berg | IACP Technician III | jbaumann3@unl.edu | 402-472-5742 |
Megan Ebbers | IACP Assistant Director | mebbers2@unl.edu | 402-472-4486 |
Anna Fitzwater | Clinical Veterinarian/IACP Assistant Director | afitzwater3@unl.edu | 402-472-5361 |
Kelly D. Heath | Director, IACP; Attending Veterinarian | kheath3@unl.edu | 402-472-6958 |
Shiloh Heuertz | IACP Technician II | sheuertz@unl.edu | 402-472-7604 |
Jessica Jones | IACP Specialist | jjones12@unl.edu | 402-472-0765 |
Lila Ortiz Torrijos | IACP Tech II | lortiztorrijos2@unl.edu | 402-472-3570 |
Stephanie Padilla | Occupational Health Registered Nurse | spadilla5@unl.edu | 402-472-7847 |
Sarah Smith | IACP Technician II | ssmith23@unl.edu | 402-472-3566 |
Jadyn Taylor | ACP Technician III | jtaylor44@unl.edu | 402-472-4813 |
Katelin VanDerslice | IACP Facility Supervisor | koborny2@unl.edu | 402-472-8858 |
Cedric Wooledge | IACP Technician II | cedric.wooledge@unl.edu | 402-472-7619 |
Proposal Development
2200 Vine Street, 379 Prem S. Paul Research Center at Whittier School, Lincoln, NE 68583-0862
Name | Title | Phone | |
Amanda Bohlin | Proposal Development Coordinator | abohlin@unl.edu | 402-472-1161 |
Tisha Gilreath Mullen | Director, Proposal Development | tgilreathmullen2@unl.edu | 402-472-2894 |
Katie Steiner | Proposal Development Coordinator | ksteiner6@unl.edu | 402-472-5326 |
Jaclyn Tan | Proposal Development Specialist | jtan@unl.edu | 402-472-3813 |
Research Communications
2200 Vine Street, 379 Prem S. Paul Research Center at Whittier School, Lincoln, NE 68583-0864
Name | Title | Phone | |
Nick Kumpula | Research Communications Specialist | nkumpula2@unl.edu | 402-472-3818 |
Tiffany Lee | Senior Research Writer and Editor | tlee9@unl.edu | 402-472-1808 |
Dan Moser | Research Communications Specialist | dmoser3@unl.edu | 402-472-1804 |
Ashley Washburn | Director, Research Communications | awashburn2@unl.edu | 402-472-3760 |
Research Compliance, Integrity, and Security
2200 Vine Street, 275 Prem S. Paul Research Center at Whittier School, Lincoln, NE 68583-0863
Phone (402) 472-6965; fax (402) 472-6048; email: irb@unl.edu exportcontrol@unl.edu unlcoi@unl.edu unlsroc@sroc.edu
Name | Title | Phone | |
Eileen Boswell | Conflict of Interest Coordinator III | eboswell4@unl.edu | 402-472-0130 |
Kaela Evans | Export Control Coordinator | kevans9@unl.edu | 402-472-7183 |
Becky Freeman | IRB Coordinator III | bfreeman2@unl.edu | 402-472-8127 |
Riley Kimbrough | Conflict of Interest Coordinator I | rkimbrough4@unl.edu | 402-472-1892 |
Saumi Mathews | IRB Coordinator III | smathews4@unl.edu | 402-472-1839 |
Sara Quinn | Director, Research Compliance, Integrity, and Security; and Deputy Research Integrity Officer | squinn@unl.edu | 402-472-4491 |
Joshua Renner | IRB Coordinator II | jrenner4@unl.edu | 402-472-0807 |
Erik Schulz | Assistant Director | eschulz3@unl.edu | 402-472-6929 |
Rachel Wenzl | Associate Director and HRPP Director | rwenzl2@unl.edu | 402-472-8196 |
Research Finance and Information Systems
301 Canfield Administration Building Lincoln, NE 68588-0433
Name | Title | Phone | |
Noah Clayton | Center for Brain, Biology & Behavior, Senior Technology Manager | nclayton3@unl.edu | 402-472-3720 |
Erin Coufal | Assistant Director, Research Finance | ecoufal4@unl.edu | 402-472-6743 |
Jessica Cronin | Lead Research Business Services Specialist | jcronin4@unl.edu | 402-472-7962 |
Shelly Cutsor | Director, Research Finance | mcutsor2@unl.edu | 402-472-1870 |
Elenita Donley | Finance Coordinator | edonley4@unl.edu | 402-472-7711 |
Mark Garrett | Morrison Business Center, Building Operations Associate | mgarrett6@unl.edu | 402-430-2638 |
Julie Koch | Finance Associate | jkoch9@unl.edu | 402-472-5256 |
Kate Madsen | Research Business Services Finance Coordinator | kmadsen4@unl.edu | 402-472-1819 |
LD Miller | Research Process Analyst | s-lmiller9@unl.edu | 402-472-1733 |
Joanne Murray | Center for Brain, Biology & Behavior, MRI Technologist | jmurray14@unl.edu | 402-472-5219 |
Jeanne Schroeder | Center for Brain, Biology & Behavior, Administrative Coordinator | jschroeder23@unl.edu | 402-472-0198 |
Jess Weaver | Morrison Business Center, Administrative Technician | jweaver10@unl.edu | 402-472-1714 |
Kaye Wolfe | Center for Brain, Biology & Behavior, Office Associate | kaye.wolfe@unl.edu | 402-472-1843 |
Sponsored Programs
2200 Vine Street, 151 Prem S. Paul Research Center at Whittier School, Lincoln, NE 68583-0861
Name | Title | Phone | |
Jamie Aldag | Awards Coordinator I | jaldag2@unl.edu | 402-472-6345 |
Ronda Alexander | Grants Coordinator III | ralexander3@unl.edu | 402-472-1871 |
Mardi Bonner | Grants Associate | mbonner1@unl.edu | 402-472-3775 |
Calley Bundy | Project Specialist III | cbundy@unl.edu | 402-472-6669 |
Kate Carlin | Pre-Award Team Lead | kcarlin2@unl.edu | 402-472-3601 |
Abbey Creglow | Project Specialist I | acreglow2@unl.edu | 402-472-4334 |
Paul Davis | Grants Coordinator III | pdavis19@unl.edu | 402-472-3765 |
Charley Firestone | Project Specialist III | cfirestone2@unl.edu | 402-472-6321 |
Aaron Funk | Assistant Director, Industry Contracts & Agreements | afunk3@unl.edu | 402-730-8918 |
Craig Goodrich | Pre-Award Team Lead | cgoodrich3@unl.edu | 402-472-3154 |
Heather Hulinsky | Awards Coordinator II | hhulinsky2@unl.edu | 402-472-3367 |
Aurora Kenworthy | Contracts Negotiator | aurora.kenworthy@unl.edu | 402-472-3371 |
Andrea Koeber | Assistant Director, Business Systems & Operations | andrea.koeber@unl.edu | 402-472-0867 |
Elzbieta Korlacka | Project Specialist I | ekorlacka2@unl.edu | 402-472-4370 |
Cassidy Kosena | Project Specialist II | ckosena2@unl.edu | 402-472-2482 |
Melina Luethje | Grants Coordinator I | mluethje2@unl.edu | 402-472-3580 |
Suzan Lund | Associate Director, Sponsored Programs | slund2@unl.edu | 402-472-1930 |
Sam Mombou | Director, Sponsored Programs | kmombou2@unl.edu | 402-472-1825 |
Terri Murray | Project Specialist II | tmurray2@unl.edu | 402-472-3112 |
Kristen Ohnoutka | Awards Setup Administrator | kohnoutka4@unl.edu | 402-472-8036 |
Marie Rhea | Project Specialist I | mrhea3@unl.edu | 402-472-3161 |
Ben Rogers | Project Specialist II | brogers11@unl.edu | 402-472-9171 |
Bailey Rosberg | Awards Coordinator I | brosberg3@unl.edu | 402-472-3164 |
Brian Sabata | Assistant Director, Award Acceptance & Contract Negotiation | bsabata1@unl.edu | 402-472-3739 |
Dennis Shannon Jr. | Grants Coordinator III | dshannon2@unl.edu | 402-472-3244 |
Samantha Swanson | Awards Coordinator III | sswanson7@unl.edu | 402-472-0869 |
Matt Walters | Grants Coordinator I | mwalters18@unl.edu | 402-472-6174 |
Renee Welstead | Grants Coordinator I | renee.welstead@unl.edu | 402-472-4322 |
Connie Wieser | Operations Support Associate | connie.wieser@unl.edu | 402-472-3788 |
Xuan (Jenny) Zhang | Project Specialist III | xuan.zhang@unl.edu | 402-472-1894 |