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Research and Innovation Advisory Board

The Research and Innovation Advisory Board’s charge is advising the Office of Research and Innovation in the emergence of new and existing initiatives that will energize Nebraska’s research culture and enhance competitiveness for sponsored funding, along with maximizing societal impacts of interdisciplinary research, scholarship, creative works and entrepreneurial activities.

Research and Innovation Advisory Board Members

NameDepartment/sEmail addressTerm end date
Andrea BascheAgronomy & Horticultureabasche2@unl.edu8/31/2027
Ken BloomPhysics; IBBkenbloom@unl.edu8/31/2025
Edgar CahoonBiochemistry; Plant Science Innovationecahoon2@unl.edu8/31/2026
Joy CastroEnglish; Institute of Ethnic Studiesjcastro2@unl.edu8/31/2026
Jessica CormanSchool of Natural Resourcesjcorman3@unl.edu8/31/2026
Brittany DuncanSchool of Computingbduncan@unl.edu8/31/2026
Ron FallerMidwest Roadside Safety; Civil and Environmental Engineeringrfaller1@unl.edu8/31/2025
Shane FarritorVirtual Incisions; Mechanical and Materials Engineeringsfarritor@unl.edu8/31/2025
Dana FritzArt, Art History & Designdana.fritz@unl.edu8/31/2027
Yufeng GeBiological Systems Engineeringyge2@unl.edu8/31/2025
Margaret JacobsCenter for Great Plains Studies; Historymjacobs3@unl.edu8/31/2026
Walter (Alex) MasonChild, Youth & Family Studieswmason2@unl.edu8/31/2026
Julia McQuillanSociologyjmcquillan2@unl.edu8/31/2026
Angie PannierBiological Systems Engineeringapannier2@unl.edu8/31/2026
Julie PetersonWCREC; Entomologyjulie.peterson@unl.edu8/31/2025
Eloisa Rebelo Grifo PiresMathematicsgrifo@unl.edu8/31/2026
Jody RedepenningChemistryjredepen@unl.edu8/31/2026
Ryan SullivanCollege of Lawsullivan@unl.edu8/31/2026
Tsegaye TadesseNational Drought Mitigation Centerttadesse2@unl.edu8/31/2025
Zhenghong TangCommunity and Regional Planningztang2@unl.edu8/31/2027
Karrie WeberSchool of Biological Sciences; Earth & Atmospheric Scienceskweber@unl.edu8/31/2025
Jinying ZhuCivil & Environmental Engineering – Omahajyzhu@unl.edu8/31/2026
Deb HamernikOffice of Research and
Sherri JonesOffice of Research and
Nathan MeierOffice of Research and
Jen NelsonOffice of Research and
Becky ZavalaOffice of Research and