jbrehm2, October 23, 2014
Training sessions set for IRB module update
An updated NUgrant IRB module, slated for release Nov. 3, features improvements to assist UNL researchers who plan to use human subjects in their work.
The module’s new project application form includes questions designed to streamline the IRB reporting and review process. The project summary page provides information to make personnel management easier. A guidance document is available to explain and illustrate the recent changes regarding personnel management.
Training sessions that explain the updates will be Oct. 28, Oct. 29, Nov. 12 and Nov. 25, from 2:30-3:30 p.m. in 152 Whittier Research Center. Registration is required.
The new application revisions will not affect projects currently in the review or preparation process.
For more information contact Research Compliance Services at (402) 472-6965.