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Top Sponsored Awards, May 2021

News for Researchers

Posted July 2, 2021 by Dan Moser

The following list of awards from public entities includes all arts and humanities grants of $10,000 or more and all other grants of $200,000 or more between April 16 and May 15, 2021, as reported through NUgrant, the university’s electronic research administration system.  

Biological Process Development Facility 
S. Johnson 
Oswaldo Cruz Foundation 
Tech Transfer and Manufacturing of Vaccine Candidates 
Dean’s Office, College of Education and Human Sciences 
D. Smidt 
Nebraska Administrative Office of the Courts 
Administrative Office of the Courts and Probation Business Analysts  
Department of Agricultural Economics 
B. Lubben 
U.S. Department of Agriculture-National Institute of Food and Agriculture 
North Central Extension Risk Management Education Center 
Department of Agronomy and Horticulture 
A. Basche 
University of Minnesota 
Developing and Deploying a Perennial Grain Crop Enterprise to Improve Environmental Quality and Rural Prosperity 
Department of Chemistry 
R. Lai 
University of Connecticut 
A Wireless, Closed-Loop Neural Probe for Optogenetics, Pharmacology and Neurochemical Monitoring 
Department of Educational Psychology/Nebraska Center for Research on Children, Youth, Families and Schools 
K. Edwards, L. Siller, L. Wheeler 
Department of Health and Human Services-National Institute of Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism 
Development and Pilot Evaluation of an Online Intervention to Prevent Dating Violence and Problem Drinking in Sexual Minority Youth 
Department of Food Science and Technology/Department of Statistics 
Y. Yin, Y. Zhou 
DHHS-National Institute of General Medical Sciences 
Carbohydrate Enzyme Gene Clusters in Human Gut Microbiome 
Durham School of Architectural Engineering and Construction 
J. Lau 
University of Nebraska Medical Center  
Investigation on Airborne Disease Transmission in Meat Processing Plant 

Nebraska Water Center 
D. Snow, A. Malakar, C. Ray 
Upper Big Blue Natural Resource District 
Vadose Zone Nitrate Accumulation Upper Big Blue Natural Resources District, Relation to Fertilizer Management and Groundwater Nitrate Concentrations 

School of Natural Resources 
C. Chizinski 
Kansas Department of Wildlife and Parks 
Motivations, Preferences, Attitudes and Expenditures of Kansas Anglers 

West Central Research and Extension Center/Dean’s Office for Cooperative Extension/Department of Agricultural Economics/Panhandle Research and Extension Center/Southeast Research and Extension District 
S. Kaskie, S. Barrera Fuentes, M. Schlake, J. Tuller, J. Weigle 
U.S. Department of Commerce-Economic Development Administration 
Nebraska Entrepreneurial Communities Pandemic Response 

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