Top Sponsored Awards, July 2024

News for Researchers

Posted August 30, 2024 by Dan Moser

The following list of awards from public entities includes all arts and humanities grants of $10,000 or more and all other grants of $200,000 or more between June 16 and July 15, 2024, as reported through NuRamp, the university’s electronic research administration system. 
Center on Children, Families and the Law 
M. Paxton 
Aviv Foundation 
Children’s Justice Attorney Education Program 
Department of Agronomy and Horticulture 
J. Schnable 
Department of Energy-Advanced Research Projects Agency–Energy 
CORN (Crop Optimization Realized through Neuralnets) Demonstration 
Department of Animal Science/ State 4-H Office/Department of Food Science and Technology/Nebraska College of Technical Agriculture 
J. Wicks, B. Chaves-Elizondo, B. Garcia, L. Gossen, G. Sullivan, R. Woiwode 
U.S. Department of Agriculture-National Institute of Food and Agriculture
Nebraska College of Technical Agriculture Meat and Poultry Processing Targeted Workforce Credentialing Pilot 
Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering 
S. Nejati 
University of Illinois Chicago 
Design, Discovery, and Synthesis Science of Porous Frameworks using Fast and Modular Heterophase Assembly 
Department of Chemistry 
J. Checco 
National Science Foundation 
Unraveling the Cellular Signaling of D-Amino Acid Containing Neuropeptides 
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering/Department of Animal Science/Department of Biological Systems Engineering/School of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences 
X. Li, G. Erickson, M. Hille, D. Loy, A. Schmidt 
The Transmission and Evolution of AMR in the Environment 
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering/Department of Biological Systems Engineering/Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences/Department of Food Science and Technology/School of Biological Sciences 
S. Kim, H. Song, K. Weber 
RAISE:CET: Hydrogen generation, migration, and reactions in the midcontinent deep subsurface for geological production and engineered storage systems 
Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences/Center for Science, Mathematics and Computer Education 
M. Searls, D. Harwood 
GP-IN: Connecting and Expanding the Nebraska Geoscience Teacher Network (GeoNet) 
Department of Mechanical and Materials Engineering 
P. Grover, J. Park 
Department of Energy 
A Framework for Exploring and Controlling Non-Equilibrium Coherent States in Active Fluids Based on Global Phase Space Geometry 
Department of Physics and Astronomy 
M. Centurion 
Department of Energy 
Imaging Structural Dynamics in Isolated Molecules with Ultrafast Electron and X-ray Diffraction 

A. Kovalev 
Department of Energy 
Low-Dissipation Spin Transport in Superconducting Systems and Magnetic Heterostructures 
Department of Plant Pathology 
T. Powers 
Collaborative Research: PurSUiT: Aquatic Nematodes of the Nebraska Sandhills: Accelerating Taxonomic Discovery through Experiential Learning 
Department of Plant Pathology/Center for Biotechnology 
C. Rojas, S. Alvarez, Y Albala, J. Riethoven 
Dissecting the Antagonistic Interaction between Pseudomonas Protegens PBL3 and Burkholderia Glumae towards Development of Biopesticides to Control Bacterial Panicle Blight of Rice 
Department of Special Education and Communication Disorders 
B. Ganz 
Department of Education-Institute of Education Sciences 
Treatment Intensity Factors Related To Efficient And Effective Communication 
Nebraska State Forest Service 
J. Erixson 
Department of Agriculture-U.S. Forestry Service 
CAFA Chadron Creek/Deadhorse Road Fuels Reduction 
J. Erixson 
Department of Agriculture-Forest Service 
2024 Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL) Nebraska State Fire Assistance 
Nebraska Local Technical Assistance Program Center 
M. Doht 
Nebraska Department of Transportation 
Nebraska Local Technical Assistance Program FY25 
School of Biological Sciences 
K. Lyons 
Collaborative Research: The New Normal: the Continuing Influence of the Late Pleistocene Megafauna Extinction on the Structure and Function of Mammal Communities 
School of Computing 
R. Dyer 
Collaborative Research: CIRC: Dev: Adaptable Realistic Benchmark Generator for Verification (ARG-V) 
B. Ramamurthy 
NeTS: Small: NSF-DST: Integrating Physical and Network Layers in the Design of Multi-Core Coherent Optical WDM Networks 

State 4-H Office 
J. Lingard 
National 4-H Council 
National 4-H Council Common Measures 2022-2024 

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