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Top Sponsored Awards, August 2021

News for Researchers

Posted October 1, 2021 by Dan Moser

The following list of awards from public entities includes all arts and humanities grants of $10,000 or more and all other grants of $200,000 or more between July 16 and Aug. 15, 2021, as reported through NUgrant, the university’s electronic research administration system.    

Center on Children, Families and the Law 
M. Paxton 
Aviv Foundation 
Children’s Justice Attorney Education Program 
Department of Chemistry 
D. Hage, D. Berkowitz 
National Science Foundation 
New Approaches to Catalyst Screening and Development 
J. Checco 
Department of Health and Human Sciences-National Institute of General Medical Sciences 
Chemical Approaches to Interrogate Neuropeptide and Peptide Hormone Signaling in Disease 
Department of Computer Science and Engineering 
L. Xu, W. Srisa-An 
CNS Core: Small: Efficient Interoperability Testing of Heterogeneous Network Protocol Implementations 
Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences 
A. Houston 
Mesoscale Airmasses with High Theta-E (MAHTE) 
Department of Mathematics 
P. Radu, M. Foss 
Nonlocality in Continuum Mechanics, Population Dynamics and Neural Networks 
Department of Mathematics/Center for Science, Mathematics and Computer Education 
Y. Lai 
Educational Testing Service 
Investigating the Role of Collaboration on the Development of Student Ideas using a Learning Progression for the Function Concept 
Department of Mechanical and Materials Engineering 
E. Markvicka 
Additive Manufacturing of Functional Emulsions: Materials and Printing for Designer Microstructures 
P. Grover 
Inducing and Exploiting Criticality in Collective Behavior by Phase Space Analysis of Mean Field Type Control Problems 
Department of Physics and Astronomy 
B. Shadwick 
High Fidelity Fluid-Kinetic Hybrid Modeling of Intense, Short Pulse Laser Plasma Interactions 
X. Hong 
DMREF: Accelerated Discovery of Artificial Multiferroics with Enhanced Magnetoelectric Coupling 
International Quilt Museum 
L. Levy 
Friends of International Quilt Study Center and Museum 
Friends of the International Quilt Museum ARP 

Lied Center for Performing Arts 
W. Stephan, N. Engen-Wedin 
Small Business Administration 
Lied Center Shuttered Venue Operators Grant 
School of Biological Sciences 
J. Storz 
Physiology of Hypoxia Adaptation in the World’s Highest-Dwelling Mammal 
B. Couch 
From Community to Practice: Evaluating How Open Educational Resources Facilitate Implementation of Vision and Change Principles across Diverse Institutions 
School of Natural Resources 
C. Allen, T. Awada, S. Sundstrom 
DISES-RCN: Resilience in Agricultural Socio-Environmental Systems 
J. Benson 
Nebraska Game and Parks Commission 
Elk Resource Selection, Movement, Survival and Population Dynamics in Western Nebraska 
School of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences 
B. Brodersen 
U.S. Department of Agriculture-National Institute of Food and Agriculture 
NAHLN Infrastructure Cooperative Agreement 
Teaching, Learning and Teacher Education/Department of Educational Administration 
N. Engen-Wedin, S. Holman, N. Pace 
U.S. Department of Education 
Indigenous Roots School Leaders 
Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs 
B. Jacobson 
U.S. Department of Education 
UNL Educational Talent Search 2021-2026 
West Central Research and Extension Center/Department of Entomology 
J. Peterson 
U.S. Department of Agriculture-National Institute of Food and Agriculture 
Insect Resistance Management: Evaluating the Impact of Blended Refuges and the VIP3A Bacillus Thuringiensis Toxin on Western Bean Cutworm 

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