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Top Awards from Public Sponsors, June 2020

News for Researchers

Posted August 3, 2020 by Dan Moser

The following list of awards from public entities includes all arts and humanities grants of $10,000 or more and all other grants of $200,000 or more between May 16 and June 15, 2020, as reported through NUgrant, the electronic research administration system for the university. 

Center for Great Plains Studies 
M. Eckstrom, R. Edwards 
National Endowment for Humanities 
Staking Their Claim: Great Plains Black Homesteaders 

Department of Agronomy and Horticulture 
D. Schachtman 
Department of Agriculture-National Institute of Food and Agriculture 
The Role Of Plant Root Exudates In Shaping Soil Microbial Community Composition And The Influence That Has On Nutrient Cycling And Nitrogen Use 
Department of Animal Science 
D. Ciobanu, H. Vu 
Deconstructing the role of SYNGR2 in viral disease susceptibility in livestock 
Department of Biochemistry 
X. Sun, E. Harris, O. Khalimonchuk 
Department of Health and Human Services-National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute 
Role of lncRNA Meg3 in obesity-induced endothelial senescence and insulin resistance 
Department of Biochemistry/Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering 
J. Allen, P. Black, Y. Demirel 
Nebraska Environmental Trust 
Direct Removal of Groundwater Nitrate Coupling Water Treatment and Algae Growth 
Department of Chemistry 
D. Berkowitz 
National Science Foundation 
NSF IPA Assignment 
Department of Mechanical & Materials Engineering 
Y. Dzenis 
Department of Defense-Air Force Office of Scientific Research 
Ultratough Lightweight High-Temperature Nanofibers for Aerospace Composites 
Department of Mechanical & Materials Engineering/Department of Mathematics 
F. Bobaru, A. Larios 
Corrosion-Induced Fracture and Failure: Transforming Computations from Micrometers and Minutes to Meters and Years 

Department of Nutrition and Health Sciences 
J. Zempleni 
DHHS-National Institutes of Health 
Development of an Exosome and Cargo Tracking Mouse 
Department of Physics and Astronomy 
K. Bloom, F. Golf, I. Kravchenko 
Cornell University 
U.S. CMS Upgrades for the High-Luminosity Large Hadron Collider 
P. Dowben 
Heteromolecular Interface Design for Better Multiferroic Molecular Spintronics 
Department of Special Education and Communication Disorders 
A. Wragge 
Nebraska Department of Education 
Nebraska Autism Spectrum Disorders Network, State Coordinator Project 2020-21 
Department of Special Education and Communication Disorders/Center for Science, Mathematics & Computer Education/Department of Educational Psychology/Nebraska Center for Research on Children, Youth, Families and Schools 
J. Namkung, J. Bovaird, N. Koziol, W. Smith 
Department of Education-Institute of Education Sciences 
Exploring Cognitive and Foundational Processes Underlying Pre-algebra among Students with and without Mathematics Learning Difficulties 
Midwest Roadside Safety/Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering 
J. Steelman, M. Asadollahipajouh, J. Eun, S. Kim, C. Song, C. Stolle 
Alaska Dept of Transportation & Public Facilities 
Evaluation of Light Pole Foundation Embedment 
School of Natural Resources 
J. Corman, C. Chizinski, S. Thomas 
Nebraska Environmental Trust 
StreamNet: Building capacity to improve water quality 
C. Chizinski 
Nebraska Game & Parks Commission 
Human Dimensions of Wildlife Survey Analysis 
West Central Research and Extension Center/Department of Animal Science/Panhandle Research and Extension Center 
T. Mulliniks, S. Fernando, M. Stephenson 
Impact Of Milk Production On Cow-Calf Productivity, Grazing Behavior, And Profitability 

West Central Research and Extension Center/Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering/Northeast Research & Extension District/Southeast Research & Extension District/Water Center 
D. Rudnick, C. Burr, K. Caswell, T. Ingram, C. Ray, J. Rees, M. Stockton, R. Tigner, T. Whitney 
USDA-Natural Resources Conservation Service 
Accelerating Adoption of Water Conservation Technologies and Management Practices through Innovative Engagement Programming 

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