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Sponsored Programs clarifies details about off-campus F&A rate

News for Researchers

Posted May 3, 2018 by Tiffany Lee

With input from leaders in the University of Nebraska-Lincoln’s research community, the Office of Sponsored Programs has clarified the off-campus rate determination process and made it more objective. Sponsored Programs’ website now includes UNL’s definition of off-campus activities; OSP’s process for determining if a project qualifies for the off-campus facilities and administrative cost rate; and several scenarios illustrating applicability of the off-campus F&A rate.

The primary definitional change is the meaning of “projects conducted partially off-campus.” In order for a project to fall within this category, performance at the off-campus site must be “on a continuous basis and of sufficient duration.” If a project does not meet this threshold, it is considered an on-campus project, and no rate determination is necessary.

OSP staff and research leaders reviewed, revised and formalized the off-campus F&A definition and process to more closely reflect the spirit of UNL’s federally negotiated F&A rate agreement language. The changes also align UNL’s definition and processes more closely with those of the university’s peers in the Big Ten Academic Alliance.

For more information, contact Elijah Luebbe, proposal budget coordinator, at 402-472-1871.

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