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2023-2024 Research Development Fellows Program cohort selected

News for Researchers

Posted November 3, 2023 by Tiffany Lee

Twelve University of Nebraska-Lincoln faculty members have been selected to participate in the 16th cohort of the Office of Research and Economic Development’s Research Development Fellows Program. 

The fellows, selected through a competitive application process, represent one center and 11 departments spanning four colleges and the Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources. They are: 

RDFP is an eight-month program designed to provide full-time UNL faculty at the assistant-level rank with the information and resources necessary to position themselves for success in securing external funding. Fellows graduate from the program with an intentional plan for pursuing external funding and gain practical experience to effectively communicate their research, scholarship and creative activity to potential funders and other audiences. More than 260 fellows from across all UNL colleges have completed the program to date. 

This year’s program launched in mid-October and will conclude in early May 2024. Applications for the 2024-2025 cohort will be solicited in fall 2024. Visit the Research Development Fellows Program website for more details or contact Heather Borck, research development program coordinator, 402-472-4090. 

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