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NURAMP series launches Sept. 11

News for Researchers

Posted August 16, 2018 by Tiffany Lee

The Office of Research and Economic Development is offering the NURAMP (Research Administration Management Program) workshop series again this fall, starting Sept. 11. The NURAMP website has dates, details and registration information about these free workshops.

Workshops will be in Room 152 of the Prem S. Paul Research Center at Whittier, 2200 Vine St.

NURAMP, a comprehensive education program focused on research administration management, provides the university research community with an improved understanding of research regulations, policies and procedures, as well as access to vital resources and contacts for further assistance in managing research projects and programs. Workshops are open to university faculty, postdocs, graduate students and staff engaged in research or supporting research activities.

Basic workshops cover topics like preparing and submitting proposals in collaboration with the Offices of Sponsored Programs and Proposal Development, developing proposal budgets, cost sharing, administering awards and conducting research responsibly. Additional sessions address effort reporting, managing contracts and communicating research to the public.

Short, self-directed learning modules are available through NURAMP’s online e-Library. Topics include an introduction to utilizing research resources, distinguishing between different types of awards and sponsoring agencies, understanding facilities and administrative costs, and using NSF FastLane or NIH ASSIST to submit proposals electronically.

NUgrant Basics workshops, set for Sept. 11 and Oct. 18, cover use of NUgrant for routing proposals internally and information about IRB and conflict of interest protocols.

For more information contact Laurie Sampson, learning and development coordinator, 402-472-3136.

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