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Materials for Energy Systems Symposium is July 21

jbrehm2, July 9, 2015

Materials for Energy Systems Symposium is July 21

The UNL Materials for Energy Systems Symposium on July 21 offers a full day of presentations and poster sessions featuring UNL materials scientists’ research on topics related to energy science. Faculty, staff and students are encouraged to register to attend.

Hosted by the Nebraska Center for Energy Sciences Research, the symposium’s goal is to foster collaborations among UNL materials scientists that could lead to future research funding. The presentations and poster sessions are open to anyone interested in learning about the intersection of materials science and energy research.
The symposium is in the Nebraska Union’s Regency Suite from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Registration and continental breakfast begins at 7:15 a.m. The event kicks off with a video presentation by Linda Horton, director of the Materials Sciences and Engineering Division of Basic Energy Sciences, U.S. Department of Energy Office of Science.
Individual 30-minute presentations by UNL faculty are scheduled throughout the morning and afternoon. Presenters will discuss energy applications of a number of materials, principles and techniques, including hybrid perovskites, organic ferroelectrics, in-situ electron microscopy, interface engineering, two-dimensional and layered materials, nanostructured carbons and metal chalcogenides, electrochemistry at carbon materials, tungsten chalcogenide photovoltaic absorbers, and femtosecond laser functionalization of metallic surfaces at the nano and micron scales.
Additional poster sessions featuring UNL’s energy sciences research are at 10 a.m. and 2:30 p.m. in Colonial Rooms A and B.
More information and a complete agenda are available on the NCESR website. For more information contact Ember Welsch, administrative coordinator, 402-472-4563.