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January deadlines loom for Great Plains IDeA research awards

News for Researchers

Posted January 10, 2017 by Ashley Washburn

The University of Nebraska Medical Center is soliciting applications for two Great Plains Institutional Development Awards for enhancing clinical and translational research. The application deadlines are 5 p.m. Friday for the Scholars Program and 5 p.m. Tuesday, Jan. 17, for the Pilot Grant Program.

UNL is a partner institution in the Great Plains IDeA-CTR network, established in October 2016 with UNMC serving as the lead institution. Eligible UNL faculty are encouraged to apply for both programs, which are administered through the National Institutes of Health’s National Institute of General Medical Sciences.

The Office of Research and Economic Development shared the original requests for applications with departments and deans, but the RFAs have since been revised.

Budgets should include F&A costs, in addition to the limits on annual direct costs indicated in the program solicitations. All scholar awards will include the requested F&A. Pilot grant awards may not include F&A, or only partial amounts, depending on the source of funding for each pilot award. The Office of Sponsored Programs urges UNL investigators to include F&A in the request, with the understanding that the requested amount may not be fully awarded or not at all.

Although UNMC does not require an authorized signature, UNL investigators must follow the university’s protocol for routing a signature through NUgrant before the deadline.

For more information, contact Suzan Lund, associate director of sponsored programs, 402-472-1930.

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