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Grant Writing Seminar March 16

jbrehm2, February 15, 2012 | View original publication

Grant Writing Seminar March 16

Grant Writing Seminar March 16
The Office of Research and Economic Development will offer a grant writing seminar, "Write Winning Grants," March 16, 8:30 a.m.-5 p.m., in the Nebraska Union auditorium.

The seminar comprehensively addresses both practical and conceptual aspects important to the proposal writing process and emphasizes idea development, identification of appropriate granting agencies, and tips and strategies of proven value in presenting an applicant's case to reviewers. David Morrison, co-founder of Grant Writers' Seminars and Workshops LLC will lead the session.

This free seminar is primarily for UNL faculty. Other UNL staff, postdoctoral research fellows and graduate students are welcome to attend without charge as space allows.

Advance registration is required and available online.

Four versions of the seminar workbook are available, depending on the agency from which you plan to seek funding: NIH, NSF, USDA and a general version geared toward smaller funding agencies and foundations. Each participant may select one workbook. Please indicate your preference on the registration form.

Participants from UNMC, UNO and UNK also are welcome but will be charged a $150 fee to cover seminar costs and should bring payment the day of the seminar or have a department provide a cost object number to which the fee can be charged. For non-NU participants, the fee is $200, payable the day of the seminar.

For more information contact Peg Filliez, operations specialist, Office of Research and Economic Development, 472-2851.