Grand Challenges Town Hall is Feb. 15; NOIs due Feb. 28

Grand Challenges News for Researchers

Posted February 3, 2023 by Ashley Washburn

The Office of Research and Economic Development is hosting several opportunities during the spring semester to engage in the Grand Challenges initiative and prepare for upcoming deadlines.

A virtual Town Hall meeting at 11 a.m.-noon on Feb. 15 offers a forum to ask questions about the request for proposals and will provide details about the Notice of Intent to Submit due Feb. 28. Registration is required to receive the Zoom link. Rick Bevins, associate vice chancellor for research, and Nathan Meier, assistant vice chancellor for research, will moderate the session.

In April, ORED will offer virtual workshops to help teams fine-tune their final proposals. Workshops also will include protected work time for collaborators. Details are forthcoming and will be posted on the Grand Challenges website and communicated in Research News.

Grand Challenges deadlines

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