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Attend April 16 luncheon on evaluating broader impacts

News for Researchers

Posted February 28, 2020 by Heidi Uhing

The Office of Research and Economic Development is teaming up with the University of Nebraska–Lincoln’s Methodology and Evaluation Research Core Facility to host an April 16 luncheon presentation on evaluating broader impacts activities.

The luncheon will be 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m. in the Nebraska Union, Platte River Room South, 1400 R St. This event is free and open to University of Nebraska faculty, and a complimentary lunch will be provided. Seating is available on a first-come, first-seated basis. Registration is due April 9.

As more public and private funding sponsors expect applicants to engage in broader impacts and outreach activities related to their research projects, researchers are also expected to assess the success of these activities. To help UNL personnel address this expectation, the luncheon – led by MERC evaluation experts – will provide an overview of formative and outcome evaluation practices for broader impacts activities.

The presentation will include case studies of how to use evaluation outcomes to improve programs and will cover topics such as estimates for timelines and costs associated with evaluations.

For additional information, contact Matthew Dwyer, senior proposal development coordinator, 402-472-1661.

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