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Apply by April 12 to serve as a planning grant reviewer

News for Researchers

Posted March 28, 2024 by Ashley Washburn

The Office of Research and Economic Development is seeking faculty volunteers to serve as planning grant reviewers for Cycle 3 of the Grand Challenges Catalyst Competition.

Those interested in serving in this capacity should indicate their interest via a web form by 5 p.m. April 12. To nominate a colleague to serve as a reviewer, send the nominee’s name, departmental affiliation and email address to, also by the April 12 deadline.

Reviewers are needed from every discipline. Faculty from all academic ranks – including those earlier in their career and emeriti – are encouraged to volunteer. The perspectives of scholars who belong to historically underrepresented groups, including gender and racial/ethnic minorities and individuals having other minoritized identities, are highly valued and sought as part of the proposal review process.

Reviewers should expect to spend nine to 12 hours reviewing proposals in June. Past volunteers have noted that serving as a reviewer provided a meaningful opportunity to be part of the Grand Challenges initiative. Benefits include:  

Planning grant reviewers will be notified of next steps by May 10.

If you have questions about the planning grant review process, send an email to

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