Grand Challenges Planning Grant Volunteer Peer Reviewer Form (Cycle 3)

University of Nebraska-Lincoln faculty are invited to volunteer to serve as a peer reviewer of planning grant proposals submitted to the Grand Challenges Catalyst Competition in 2024. Reviewers are needed from every discipline at the university.  
Faculty from all academic ranks, including those earlier in their career, are encouraged to volunteer. The perspectives of scholars who belong to historically underrepresented groups, including gender and racial/ethnic minorities and individuals having other minoritized identities, are highly valued and sought as part of the proposal review process.  

Faculty listed as non-essential personnel in a planning grant proposal or who are participating in a catalyst award proposal team may serve as planning grant reviewers. Faculty named as principal investigator or essential personnel within a planning grant proposal will be excluded from the pool of reviewers.   

To indicate your willingness to serve as a volunteer peer reviewer, complete the following form by 5 p.m. CDT on Friday, April 12, 2024. Individuals who volunteer for peer review service will be notified about next steps by May 10. 

If you have questions about the planning grant peer review process, or to nominate a faculty member to serve as a peer reviewer, send an email message to

* Will you be named as principal investigator or essential personnel on a Grand Challenges planning grant submitted in 2024?
* Have you previously served as a proposal reviewer?
If yes, indicate the type(s) of proposals you have reviewed (select all that apply):
* Volunteers selected to assist with the peer review of planning grant proposals should plan to devote nine to 12 hours toward review during May and June 2024. The majority of this time is expected to involve independent, asynchronous work. Do you expect to be able to make such a commitment?
* Volunteers selected to assist with the peer review of planning grant proposals should plan to devote five hours in June 2024 to synchronous, panel-based work. These five hours of work are part of the nine to 12 hours total commitment outlined above. If selected as a volunteer reviewer, would you prefer to meet in-person or virtually?

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If you would like to update the form responses submitted with this email address, we will send a link to the address provided.

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