Posted February 2, 2018 by Ashley Washburn
Changes to National Institutes of Health and National Science Foundation proposal guidelines are underway. These agencies, plus the Office of Research and Economic Development, offer resources to help investigators comply with federal requirements.
FORMS-E required for new NIH applications
On Jan. 25, NIH started requiring investigators applying for NIH grants to use the FORMS-E application. Investigators whose research involves human subjects are urged to pay close attention to the updated requirements.
FORMS-E includes new proposal forms that require more detailed responses for describing the use of human subjects. Resources are available to help University of Nebraska-Lincoln researchers meet the new submission requirements:
- Research Compliance Services developed a web resource that outlines areas that require further clarification for involving human subjects in an NIH proposal. This document is posted under the A-Z Guidance section of the Institutional Review Board website (NIH Proposal Requirements – Human Subjects).
- NIH’s Research Involving Human Subjects website includes resources for navigating each stage of the award process.
- NIH also developed a PDF document that provides instructions on completing the new forms and includes an FAQ section.
For more information, contact Research Compliance Services at 402-472-6965.
NSF revises PAPPG document
Changes to NSF’s Proposal & Award Policies & Procedures Guide became effective Jan. 29.
The Office of Sponsored Programs prepared a full version of the PAPPG with highlights of the important changes and proposal preparation instructions. It is posted under the Sponsor Forms and Guidelines section of the Office of Sponsored Programs website. The full PAPPG document is also available on NSF’s website.
For more information, contact Suzan Lund, associate director of sponsored programs, at 402-472-1930.