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Accolades, October 2018

Accolades News for Researchers

Posted November 1, 2018 by Tiffany Lee

Awards, Honors and Recognitions

Liz Ingraham, art (emeriti), and Leen-Kiat Soh, computer science and engineering, received an honorable mention in the National Center for Women and Information Technology Engagement Excellence Awards. The awards, funded by Google, recognize authors of the best materials of the past year submitted to EngageCSEdu, a platform of peer-reviewed materials for introductory computer science authored by faculty across the nation. The Nebraska team was honored for the assignment “Computational Creativity Exercise (CCE): Storytelling.” Lee Dee Miller, a former Husker graduate student, is also part of the team.

Wendy Smith, research associate professor and associate director for the Center for Science, Mathematics and Computer Education, was awarded the Don Miller Distinguished Service Award at the Nebraska Association of Teachers of Mathematics Conference on Sept. 21 in Kearney. The award, established by the NATM board in 1989, honors mathematics educators for their contribution to the improvement of mathematics education in the state of Nebraska.

Judy Walker, mathematics and associate vice chancellor for faculty and academic affairs, was named a fellow of the Association for Women in Mathematics. The fellows program recognizes individuals who have demonstrated a sustained commitment to the support and advancement of women in the mathematical sciences. Walker was selected for her leadership in promoting girls and women in the science, technology, engineering and mathematics fields, mentoring activities, service to the profession, mathematical exposition, and excellence in teaching and research.

Professional Involvement

Jennifer Davidson, economics, was selected by her peers to lead the National Association of Economic Educators as president-elect in 2019 and president in 2020. The organization advances economic and financial literacy by serving educators.

Kirk Dombrowski, sociology and director of the university’s Minority Health Disparities Initiative, was selected to serve on the Big Ten Academic Alliance Health Equity Initiative Strategic Directions Task Force. The group is a collaboration of member institutions with their respective health departments to conduct research to understand and address the social determinants of health, and improve health outcomes of vulnerable children and infants across the 11-state region.

Brian Lepard, law, chaired a panel at International Law Weekend at Fordham Law School in New York City. The panel, “How Customary International Law Matters in Protecting Human Rights,” analyzed the use of customary international law by national and international courts to safeguard human rights.

Tawnya Means, assistant dean in the College of Business, director of the Teaching and Learning Center and assistant professor of practice in management, was an international visiting scholar at the University of Melbourne in Australia, where she led a two-day workshop called “Building Content for Blended Learning.” The event was hosted by the university’s Williams Centre for Learning Advancement, which provides professional development related to new teaching pedagogy.

Pete Pinnell, art, was elected president of the National Council on Education for the Ceramic Arts starting spring 2019. He will begin a four-year presidential cycle that includes one year as president-elect, two years as president and a final year as past president. Pinnell is a longtime contributor to the council, which fosters global education and appreciation for the ceramic arts.

Publishing Honors

Suzette Person, computer science and engineering, co-authored a paper, “Differential Symbolic Execution,” that received a Test of Time Award from the ACM Joint European Software Engineering Conference and Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering. The annual award recognizes highly influential papers published 10 years ago in ESEC or FSE. Co-authors include former Nebraska faculty Matthew Dwyer and Sebastian Elbaum, now at the University of Virginia, and Corina Pasareanu of NASA’s Ames Research Center.

Research News Accolades Submission Form

Accolades are compiled from faculty and staff nominations, weekly Achievement columns published by University Communication, and college, center and departmental websites. To submit yours or a colleague's, complete the form below.

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