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Accolades, November 2022

Accolades News for Researchers

Posted December 2, 2022 by Tiffany Lee

Awards, Honors and Recognitions

Bertrand Clarke, statistics, was named a fellow of the International Society for Bayesian Analysis. This recognition honors ISBA members who have made outstanding contributions to some aspect of statistical work. Clarke’s scholarship is focused on predictive statistics and statistical methodology in genomic data.

Priscilla Grew, earth and atmospheric sciences (emerita), received the 2022 Geological Society of America’s Presidential Medal on Oct. 9. The medal is given to individuals, groups or entities whose impact has profoundly enhanced the geoscience profession. Grew was honored for her distinguished career, which intertwined higher education, the intersection of public policy with Earth and the geosciences, and service to government and professional societies.     

Holly Hatton-Bowers, child, youth and family studies, received the 2022 Outstanding Engagement Award from the Association of Public and Land-grant Universities Board on Human Sciences. The award recognizes a campus-based or state-level faculty member with exceptional creativity and scholarship in the development, application and evaluation of outreach, extension and public service programs. Hatton-Bowers’ scholarship focuses on enhancing and supporting the emotional well-being of caregivers, helping professionals and young children. 

Anna Williams Shavers, former dean for diversity and inclusion in the Nebraska College of Law, posthumously received the Outstanding Contributor to Women in the Law Award at the 2022 Nebraska State Bar Association Public Service Awards. The award is presented to a member of the NSBA Women and the Law Section to recognize the lifetime accomplishments of an individual who directly contributed to the active integration and participation of women in the Nebraska system of justice. Shavers was a tireless mentor and advocate for students – especially students of color and young women individually – and was faculty adviser to the Multi-Cultural Legal Society, Black Law Student Association and Muslim Law Student Association.

Kristy Weissling, special education and communication disorders, received the Recognition of Service Award from the Nebraska Speech-Language-Hearing Association. The award recognizes an individual who has shown exemplary commitment and contribution to the field, with an emphasis on specific contributions within the last six years. Weissling is in her 20th year as a faculty member at Nebraska, currently serving as a professor of practice, speech-language pathology program coordinator and clinic coordinator for Barkley Speech Language and Hearing Clinic’s speech and language services.   

Professional Service

Sasitharan Balasubramaniam, computing, was named editor-in-chief of IEEE Transactions on Molecular, Biological, and Multi-Scale Communications. The quarterly peer-reviewed scientific journal, established in 2015, is devoted to the principles, design and analysis of communication systems that use physics beyond classical electromagnetism. Balasubramaniam will serve as editor-in-chief for two years and views the role as an opportunity to support IEEE’s interdisciplinary efforts.  

Matt Joeckel, natural resources, was selected as chair of the North American Commission on Stratigraphic Nomenclature, which is the organization’s top leadership position. The NACSN, formed in 1916, is an international group providing direction on a wide range of issues regarding geologic study. Joeckel, who previously was vice chair, will serve in the top post during 2023. He is the only Nebraskan to have served as either vice chair or chair of NACSN.

Kristen Olson, sociology, was part of an independent committee formed by the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine that studied the effectiveness of the Airborne Hazards and Open Burn Pit Registry and reported its findings during an Oct. 14 public briefing. The committee recommended a complete overhaul of the registry, which was intended as a way to track and better understand the health effects of exposure to burn pits.

Other News

Mike Zeleny was selected as the university’s vice chancellor for business and finance, effective Jan. 1, 2023, pending approval from the Board of Regents. He succeeds Mary LaGrange, who has served as the interim business and finance leader since January. Following a national search and campuswide process, the position remained unfulfilled. Chancellor Ronnie Green selected Zeleny, who has been serving as associate to the chancellor and Green’s chief of staff. Prior to that, Zeleny was associate vice chancellor for research and economic development. Josh Davis, associate vice chancellor for global affairs and senior international officer, will now serve as the chancellor’s chief of staff. Maegan Stevens-Liska, senior director for global affairs and director of global partnerships, will take on an interim role as the university’s leader of global affairs.

Research News Accolades Submission Form

Accolades are compiled from faculty and staff nominations, weekly Achievement columns published by University Communication, and college, center and departmental websites. To submit yours or a colleague's, complete the form below.

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