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Accolades, July 2023

Accolades News for Researchers

Posted August 3, 2023 by Tiffany Lee

Awards, Honors and Recognitions

Cory Armstrong, journalism and mass communications, received the Outstanding Woman in Journalism and Mass Communication Education Award from the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communications’ Commission on the Status of Women. The award honors a scholar who has supported or represented women well through mentorship, collaboration and/or scholarship that explores gender in mass communication. Armstrong was selected for her robust scholarship, advocacy on behalf of women and commitment to fairness, among other achievements. She was recognized during the commission’s business meeting on July 26.

Tami Brown-Brandl, biological systems engineering, received the Henry Giese Structures and Environment Award from the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers. The award recognizes significant achievement in advancing knowledge in agricultural structures and environment. Brown-Brandl’s research is focused on an engineering approach to improved animal well-being and production efficiency.    

Caro Córdova, natural resources, received the Early Career Award from the Long-Term Agroecosystem Research Network. The award recognizes research accomplishments in the network, which is composed of 18 long-term research sites focused on agricultural productivity, environmental quality and people’s well-being. Córdova joined the LTAR network in 2019 and has made numerous contributions, including co-creating the LTAR Soil Health assessment guidelines, organizing and moderating various meetings and sessions, and serving on the LTAR Soil Working Group.    

Mohamed Dahab, civil and environmental engineering, received the Emerson Distinguished Service Medal from the Water Environment Federation. The award honors a member who has made significant contributions to the federation and the water environment profession. Dahab focuses his research on sustainable systems for environmental and water quality management. He is author or co-author of more than 250 peer-reviewed articles and is engaged internationally in various environmental engineering programs.

David Hage, chemistry, received the Award for Distinguished Contributions in Education from the International Federation of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine. The award recognizes an individual’s contributions to developing educational materials for the clinical chemistry discipline that improve training and educational programs worldwide or in a region. Hage was honored for his teaching, research mentorship, and published textbooks and textbook chapters related to clinical chemistry and bioanalysis.

Derek Heeren, biological systems engineering, received the Heermann Sprinkler Irrigation Award from the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers. The award recognizes individuals that have made significant contributions to the improvement of efficient and effective sprinkler irrigation systems that effectively conserve resources.

Jim Lewis, mathematics, received a Friend of Science Award from the Nebraska Academy of Sciences. It is the academy’s highest recognition, given annually for high achievements in attaining the organization’s objectives, which focus on the idea that science is essential for all Nebraskans. Lewis, director of STEM education research initiatives in the Office of Research and Economic Development, has an extensive track record of service in mathematics education, including chairing the Conference Board of Mathematical Sciences; acting as deputy assistant director and then acting assistant director for the Directorate for Education and Human Resources at the National Science Foundation; and co-chairing the National Research Council committee that produced Educating Teachers of Science, Mathematics and Technology: New Practices for the new Millennium.

Becky Zavala, assistant vice chancellor for research and economic development, and Lacey Rohe, associate vice chancellor and controller for the Office of Business and Finance, each received a 2023 Partner of the Year award from University Operations. The award recognizes individuals or units that help create a high-quality, sustainable and innovative campus experience. Zavala was recognized for serving on the COVID Task Force, collaborating with University Operations, establishing a permanent liaison from ORED to work with University Operations, and establishing on-campus COVID testing during the pandemic. Rohe was honored for her positive collaboration with University Operations during the pandemic and beyond, particularly her ability to build positive relationships and attain fiscal sustainability.


Deborah Minter and Shari Stenberg, English, received the Kenneth Bruffee Award from the Council of Writing Program Administrators. The award honors research published in the council’s journal, WPA: Writing Program Administration, that is cutting-edge, methodologically rigorous, and has the potential to broadly impact writing programs and the discipline. Minter and Stenberg were honored for the article “Arriving with Credit: A Study of 200-Level Writers and the Question of Equivalency,” published in the spring 2021 issue.  

Kevin Pope, Nebraska Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research, and Larkin Powell, natural resources, co-edited the book “Harvest of Fish and Wildlife: New Paradigms for Sustainable Management.” It was shortlisted for the Wildlife Society’s Publication Award in the edited book category.

Professional Service

Wesley Boyce, supply chain management and analytics, visited the Union Pacific headquarters in Omaha on June 8 to present to 50 members of the company’s bulk commodities group. He spoke about current logistics and supply chain management trends during UP’s semi-annual meeting, which brings together employees from throughout the United States.  

John Lenich, law (emeritus), recently spoke at two conferences for Nebraska judges. At the Nebraska County Judges Summer Conference in Kearney, he presented on the County Court Expedited Civil Actions Act, which governs the discovery of social media content, and methods for minimizing discovery disputes. At the District Judges Summer Conference in North Platte, Lenich discussed proposed changes to the Nebraska Discovery Rules.  

Colleen Medill, law, was elected chair of the Section on Employee Benefits Law for the Association of American Law Schools. In this role, she is organizing a scholarly program, “Emerging Issues in Retirement Equity,” set for Jan. 4, 2024, at the association’s annual meeting in Washington, D.C.

Elsbeth Magilton, law, was named co-chair of the American Association of Law Schools Externship Section Subcommittee on Scholarship. In this role, she will support the externship community in their scholarship pursuits by providing support for a summer writing program and helping with sessions on writing and publishing each semester.

Other News

Aron Barbey is the new director of the university’s Center for Brain, Biology and Behavior, effective Aug. 14. Barbey joins UNL from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, where he was professor of psychology, neuroscience and bioengineering and director of the Decision Neuroscience Laboratory at the Beckman Institute for Advanced Science and Technology. He is an internationally recognized scientist whose research has made significant contributions to understanding the neural basis of human intelligence – the ability to find solutions to the diverse problems we encounter in life. Barbey holds a Ph.D. in psychology from Emory University and completed a research fellowship in cognitive neuroscience at the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke in 2011. He succeeds Cary Savage, who will return to the Department of Psychology faculty.   

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