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Accolades, January 2019

Accolades News for Researchers

Posted January 31, 2019 by Tiffany Lee

Awards, Honors and Recognitions

David Berkowitz, chemistry, was appointed to the Board on Chemical Sciences and Technology of the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine. The BCST, sponsored by the National Science Foundation and the Department of Energy, is aimed at ensuring the nation’s decision-makers receive independent, objective advice on matters related to chemistry and chemical engineering.

Roger Elmore and Richard Ferguson, agronomy and horticulture, were honored for dedication and outstanding service to Nebraska’s South Central Agricultural Laboratory on Dec. 6. Elmore conducts applied crop production research and extension work aimed at maintaining or increasing crop production profitability and water use efficiency through environmentally sound practices. Ferguson, vice chancellor of the Rwanda Institute for Conservation Agriculture, focuses his work on soil fertility and precision agriculture.

Department of Computer Science and Engineering researchers have had multiple papers accepted to the 2019 IEEE INFOCOM event, a top-ranked conference on networking in the research community. The papers, which IEEE accepted at a rate of 19.7 percent for this year’s conference, were contributed by Deepak Nadig, Byrav Ramamurthy, Brian Bockelman, David Swanson, Minh Vu, Lisong Xu, Sebastian Elbaum, Wei Sun, Mohannad Alhanahnah, Qiben Yan, Hamid Bagheri, Yutaka Tsutano and Witawas Srisa-an.

A team of Nebraska Extension faculty received the Excellence in Extension team award for the Hail Know project, which provides timely and relevant programming to answer growers’ questions when hail storms strike. The team – Ashley Mueller, Tyler Williams, Nathan Mueller, Al Dutcher, Robert Klein, Paul Jasa, Justin McMechan, Jenny ReesCorey WaltersRoger ElmoreChris Proctor and Daren Redfearn – was honored at the Nebraska Extension Fall Conference Annual Banquet, Nov. 27 in Kearney.   

Professional Involvement

Leslie Delserone, University Libraries, was named editor-in-chief of the Journal of Agricultural and Food Information. Her term began in 2019 with volume 20. The journal is a quarterly forum for exchanging and disseminating research, knowledge and innovative practices among those involved in distributing food and agricultural information.

Other News

Jennifer Mize Nelson joined the Office of Research and Economic Development as director of research strategy and infrastructure, a position designed to boost the university’s efforts to achieve institutional research goals. She will focus on strategic planning, strengthening research centers and core facilities, developing and administering funding opportunities, and serving on ORED’s senior leadership team. Nelson, a research associate professor of psychology, was director of administration for the Center for Brain, Biology and Behavior from 2015-2019 and program site director of the Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience Laboratory from 2011-2015.

Research News Accolades Submission Form

Accolades are compiled from faculty and staff nominations, weekly Achievement columns published by University Communication, and college, center and departmental websites. To submit yours or a colleague's, complete the form below.

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