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Accolades, February 2017

Accolades News for Researchers

Posted March 3, 2017 by Ashley Washburn

Awards, Honors and Recognitions

Amit Jhala, agronomy and horticulture and Nebraska Extension, received an Early Career Outstanding Weed Scientist Award from the Weed Science Society of America. The award is the highest honor an early career weed scientist can achieve in a national-level competition.

Paul Johnsgard, School of Biological Sciences (emeritus), received a Lifetime Achievement Award from the Center for Great Plains Studies.

Rebecca Lai, chemistry, received the Local Section Outreach Volunteer of the Year Award from the American Chemical Society’s Committee on Community Activities.

Elizabeth Niehaus, educational administration, will receive the 2017 Outstanding Service to the International Community Award and the 2017 Excellence in International Research Award at the annual convention of the American College Personnel Association in March.

Mark Pegg, natural resources, received the Nebraska Chapter of the American Fisheries Society Award of Excellence in honor of his work to advance the state’s fishery program.

Jeyamkondan Subbiah, biological systems engineering, received the Excellence in Research Award from the Nebraska chapter of Gamma Sigma Delta.

Joseph Turner, mechanical and materials engineering, was part of a team that received the 2016 Outstanding Paper Award at a recent meeting of the American Society of Nondestructive Testing.

Creative Activity

Jeffrey Day, architecture, was honored along with partner E.B. Min for the design of Omaha’s Blue Barn Theatre on’s list of “The Best Things America Built in 2016.”


Ted Hamann, teaching, learning and teacher education, was named an Equity Fellow for the Midwest and Plains Equity Assistance Center. Fellows are recognized for publishing widely in one or more of the four desegregation areas – race, sex, national origin and religion.

Professional Involvement

Katherine Ankerson, architecture, was appointed to the Council for Interior Design Accreditation board of directors for a three-year term. The council is an independent, nonprofit accrediting organization responsible for setting standards and evaluating degree-granting interior design programs.

Ali Moeller, teaching, learning and teacher education, is president-elect of the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages, a professional organization dedicated to improving and expanding the teaching and learning of all languages.

Marilyne Stains, chemistry, was elected to serve a three-year term as alternate councilor on the executive committee of the American Chemical Society Division of Chemical Education.


Effie Athanassopoulos, anthropology, had her monograph of the Nemea Valley Archaeological Project published by the American School of Classical Studies at Athens.

Joel Cramer, nutrition and health sciences, was published recently in JAMDA, the Journal of the Society for Post-acute and Long-term Care Medicine, on his research on experimental oral nutritional supplements in older adults with mild to moderate sarcopenia.

Peter Lefferts, music, released a new book, Manuscripts of English Thirteenth-Century Polyphony (Early English Church Music), which he worked on for more than 20 years.

Other Accomplishments

Shavonna Holman, educational administration, was appointed to the Omaha Public Schools Board of Education. She was sworn in on Feb. 22 and replaces Justin Wayne, who was elected to the Nebraska Legislature.

Marjorie Kostelnik, dean of the College of Education and Human Sciences, is co-chair of a new statewide commission charged with expanding and strengthening the state’s early childhood workforce.

Sergio Ruiz was named director of the Glenn Korff School of Music. His appointment begins July 1. Currently, Ruiz is professor of music and chair of the Georgia College Department of Music.

Harris Smith was appointed director of the Johnny Carson School of Theatre and Film. Harris has been interim director since June 30, 2016, when past director Paul Steger returned to the faculty.


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