Posted August 31, 2023 by Tiffany Lee
New and revised documents for University of Nebraska-Lincoln research projects that need approval from Lincoln Public Schools are now available on the Research Compliance Services website.
Updates to the UNL/LPS Research Review and Approval Steps document include updated contact information for LPS and updated links to additional information. The document is located in the Lincoln Public Schools Approval Processes section of the Guidance Topics webpage.
There is also a new LPS parent/guardian informed consent document on RCS’ Templates/Forms webpage, labeled LPS Parent/Guardian Informed Consent. Researchers recruiting LPS students for research should use this template when developing the parent/guardian informed consent form for their project.
These updates stem from a June meeting between RCS and LPS colleagues who serve on the Institutional Review Board, which focused on processes for LPS review of UNL IRB projects.
For any questions regarding the UNL/LPS review process, contact Becky Freeman, research compliance services specialist, 472-8127.