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Nebraska Research Initiative (NRI) Request for Proposals (RFP)-Faculty Research Proposals FY2014

NRI is an investment by the State of Nebraska designed to build the research capacity within the University of Nebraska consistent with the interests of existing and potential growth areas of business and industry, agriculture, social services, and health care, and to encourage economic growth through specifically targeted research programs.  The purpose of this request for faculty research proposals is to encourage economic growth through specifically targeted research programs.

Download the RFP here
Dowload budget worksheets here

While all full-time faculty members within the University of Nebraska are eligible to apply, only proposals that represent collaborations by teams of faculty will be considered. Lead PIs cannot have previously received NRI research awards as lead-PIs.  Co-PIs may be past recipients of NRI funds as lead-PIs or Co-PIs.  All Co-PIs must complete the attached Co-PI NRI disclosure form (See A-2).  Preference will be given to proposals that represent new multi-disciplinary and/or multi-campus collaborations.

All applications must use the forms and format provided in the RFP.
A two-page, NIH formatted biosketch must be included for all lead-PIs and co-PIs. The campus approver signature will be placed by the corresponding signatory within the lead-PI’s institution after the application has been submitted.

Focus Areas of Research
Refer to the RFP for subtopics within each of the following focus areas:

Nanotechnology and Materials Science
Water and Environmental Management
Sustainable and Renewable Energy
Molecular Genetics
Health Outcomes and Health Services
Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM)
Development and Management of Information Systems

Proposals, with administrative approvals, must be submitted as a PDF to by 5:00 p.m. on Friday, November 1, 2013. Proposals received after this deadline will be returned to the applicant without review.

Review Process
The UNL Office of Research and Economic Development will establish a review process to select up to 10 proposals to submit to the Office of the Provost. The NRI Proposal Review Form (A-6) in the RFP will be used for the UNL review process. Proposals submitted to the Office of the Provost will be evaluated by a committee of external faculty experts. A committee of external and internal faculty and administrators will then consider the evaluations of the external committee and make funding recommendations to The Office of the Provost.

Funding Duration and Limit
The funding duration for projects selected through this request for NRI faculty research proposals is to be no more than two years.

The maximum total budget for each proposal is not to exceed $100,000 over the two year period. It is anticipated that funded projects would be able to start July 1, 2014; the latest projects could end would be June 30, 2016. Additionally, no more than one month of the principal investigator’s summer salary can be funded by the project during the entire grant period for faculty on a less than 12-month appointment. (Note: No extensions; funds not used at the end of the project will be transferred back to the Office of the Provost and deposited in the NRI account.)

Questions may be directed to Mike Zeleny (, assistant vice chancellor for research.