The Vice Chancellor for Research and Economic Development will consider faculty requests for travel awards to help defray the costs of travel to external funding agencies.
To enhance the competitiveness of research proposals by facilitating interaction with prospective sponsors.
- UNL faculty members (tenure line or research professors) are eligible for travel funds.
- The faculty member’s department chair/center director and dean must co-sign and agree to cover a portion of the travel cost.
- Faculty members who receive travel awards from the vice chancellor for research and economic development must submit a one-page report on their visit, within one month of their return.
- Faculty members who receive travel awards must notify the vice chancellor for research and economic development when they submit a proposal for external funding that resulted from the travel.
July 15, 2003
Instructions for Travel Reimbursement from the Vice Chancellor for Research and Economic Development:
After faculty complete their travel they should:
- Complete the standard Employee Expense Voucher (EEV) and charge the portion of their travel to be reimbursed by the vice chancellor for research and economic development to a departmental RIF (Research Incentive Fund; also known as F&A, return of indirect, or return of overhead) cost center ending in a -4XXX suffix.
- Send the original EEV plus supporting documentation to Accounting as normal so that the faculty member can be reimbursed personally.
- Submit a copy of the EEV (we do not need the supporting documentation) to 301 Admin, CC 0433. Please include a printout from SAP of any direct charges (e.g., for airfare) and a copy of the signed Faculty Travel Award document or a brief note requesting reimbursement for travel that has been previously approved under the Faculty Travel Awards Program.
The Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research and Economic Development will make a budget transfer to reimburse the department using the RIF cost center identified on the EEV for the agreed-upon portion of travel expenses.
Note: Due to new reporting requirements, we are only able to make budget transfers for our portion of travel expenses to RIF cost centers. Please charge travel expenses accordingly. If you have any questions about the budget transfer process, please call Becky Zavala at 472-0735
Application for Faculty Travel Awards from the Vice Chancellor for Research and Economic Development