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Food for Health Collaboration Initiative

Supplemental Instructions for Proposals Developed by UNL PIs
Proposals must be routed and fully approved in NUgrant by 5:00 p.m., January 6, 2016.

The University of Nebraska (NU) has issued a request for applications (RFA) for a Food for Health Collaboration Initiative. Interested applicants should refer to NU’s Food for Health Collaboration Initiative website to access the RFA, required budget form, and other relevant information.

This document provides supplemental instructions regarding the submission of Food for Health proposals developed by University of Nebraska-Lincoln (UNL) principal investigators (PIs).

The Food for Health Collaboration Initiative is a comprehensive effort to further enhance Nebraska’s research capacity to address critical societal and human health issues related to food. NU is making an investment to facilitate research collaborations that encourage faculty to more fully leverage its multi-campus intellectual capacity in order to strengthen competitiveness for federal research funding. Nebraska EPSCoR also is investing so that all Nebraska research institutions with relevant expertise may strategically partner to grow the state’s research capacity and competitiveness.

Assistant, Associate, or Full Professors and equivalent-rank scientists are eligible to submit an application as PI if they have a record of extramurally funded research as a PI or co-PI. PIs may apply for no more than one planning grant and one seed grant; there is no limit on their participation as co-PI.

A retreat to facilitate campus and statewide collaboration will be held on Friday, November 13, 2015, at the Nebraska Innovation Campus Conference Center in Lincoln. Potential PIs wishing to be funding-eligible must attend unless special dispensation is granted. Additional eligibility requirements are detailed within the Food for Health RFA. Click here to register for the November 13 retreat. Registration closes on Monday, November 2, at 5:00 p.m.

 Application Format and Process
Submit the following information – in the order specified – as a single PDF file via the NUgrant internal competitions module: project description, budget, CVs, timeline, external review list (if applicable), and letters or email messages from authorized institutional officials authorizing the participation of non-UNL personnel in the proposed project. All of these materials should be prepared in accordance with the guidelines specificed within the NU Food for Health Collaboration Initiative RFA.

Application Deadline
Proposals led by UNL PIs must be routed and fully approved in NUgrant by 5:00 p.m. on Wednesday, January 6, 2016.

 Additional Information
For more information and proposal preparation instructions, please refer to the NU Food for Health Collaboration Initiative RFA. If you have questions regarding the UNL proposal submission process, please contact Steve Goddard, associate vice chancellor for research, at or 402.472.2851.

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UNL faculty expertise with interest in the Water for Food Initiative