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Nebraska Research Days Student Registration 2025

April 15 - 16, 2025 | Nebraska Union

About You

* Student Level
* Are in you in the Honors Program?
* Academic College
* Undergraduate class level

Presentation Information

* Project discipline: Please select the category that best represents your project
* Nebraska Research Days will be promoted through UNL social media. Are you comfortable having your project on social media (Facebook, Twitter, etc)?

There will be two days for presentations.  Tuesday April 15 will be reserved for all departments in the College of Engineering and the Physical Sciences (e.g. Math, Statistics, Chemistry, Physics, Earth Sciences).  Wednesday April 16 will be for Arts and Humanities, Education, Business, Social Sciences, and Life Sciences.  Undergraduates will present in the morning from 10am-12pm  Graduate Students will present in the afternoon (3-5pm).

* What day/time should you be presenting?
* Are you available at that time?

Nebraska Research Days Competition

The Nebraska Research Days will include a presentation competition. Participants will present their work and meet with judges to answer questions about their research/creative activities project and presentation. Full details will be shared after the March 14, 2025 registration deadline.

April 15: Engineering and Physical Sciences
April 16: Arts & Humanities, Journalism, Business; Education; Social Sciences, Life Sciences

Undergraduates will present in the morning from 10 am to 12 noon.  Graduate Students will present from 3-5 pm.  

* Would you like to register for the competition?
There are limited funds to help with the cost of printing graduate student posters. Will you require assistance with the poster cost? Please check with your advisor that there are no funds in the lab or department first.

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