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Updates from the Research COVID-19 Task Force: Aug. 3-7

News for Researchers

Posted August 3, 2020 by Dan Moser

As UNL continues making plans for the fall semester, the Research Task Force is sending regular updates to investigators on topics related to resuming research and creative activities. This message addresses topics for the week of Aug. 3-7.

August operational status The following guidelines for August operations are described in further detail at

>> Abide by local health guidance.

>> Follow all UNL health and safety policies.

>> Continue reducing workplace density and work remotely when possible.

>> Normal access to campus buildings will resume Aug. 10.

>> Package delivery resumes to campus sites Aug. 10.

>> International travel is prohibited. University-sponsored domestic travel outside Nebraska is highly discouraged and requires two levels of authorization approval.

Central package delivery to end Aug. 10

Starting Aug. 10, Facilities Management will no longer serve as the campus’ central delivery site. Deliveries to campus buildings from UPS, FedEX and others will resume as usual. Make sure to update shipping addresses with vendors, and be aware that someone may need to be present at your building to receive packages. Packages currently stored at the Facilities and Maintenance Shops will be available for pickup on weekdays between 7 a.m.-4:30 p.m. If you cannot pick up your stored packages, contact Tim Klein, inventory manager, to schedule a delivery. When requesting delivery, include the building, recipient’s name and tracking information.

Ordering PPE for fall semester

Research teams will be able to order hand sanitizer and other personal protective equipment at no cost through UNL Marketplace starting in early August. Items will be added regularly, so make sure to check the site often. PPE was acquired through bulk purchasing and a partnership with the State of Nebraska.

Research community to receive cloth masks soon

To help faculty and staff to abide by the university’s policy on wearing face coverings, all personnel will receive two complementary cloth face masks in early August. Distribution details are outlined in this Nebraska Today article.

Campus preparing for COVID-19 testing

The university is partnering with Test Nebraska to establish an on-campus COVID-19 testing site for faculty, staff and students. Details will be coming soon. The University Health Center also has expanded its capacity for testing. Read more about UHC services for faculty, staff and dependents, including telehealth, in-person appointments, pharmacy needs and COVID-19 testing.

Update regarding human subjects research and Lincoln Public Schools

The IRB has recently received notice that there is a small update to human subjects research information involving LPS. Until further notice, only studies that do not take any instructional time and collect data remotely will be considered for approval. As normal (non-COVID 19) restrictions, LPS maintains the restriction that no new data collection can occur during the first month of school.

Your efforts to ensure campus activities resume safely are greatly appreciated. The Nebraska research community has remained strong during this challenging time because of your commitment and flexibility.

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