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UNL community invited to NIH director’s lectures in Omaha

News for Researchers

Posted August 18, 2017 by Ashley Washburn

An opportunity for University of Nebraska-Lincoln faculty, staff and graduate students to learn about National Institutes of Health scientific peer review, grant support and career opportunities is available Aug. 22.

Richard Nakamura, director of the NIH Center for Scientific Review, will give two lectures that day as part of his Aug. 21-22 visit to the University of Nebraska Medical Center. UNL researchers are invited to attend the presentations in-person or via webcast.

The first, “NIH Grant Review Basics and NIH Career Opportunities,” is at noon in the ground-level auditorium of the Fred & Pamela Buffett Cancer Center (room 0-12101). The lecture, aimed at graduate students and postdoctoral associates, will be livestreamed here.

The second presentation, “NIH Scientific Peer Review and Grant Support: Major Changes,” is 3-4 p.m. in the Durham Research Center auditorium (room 1002), with a Q&A afterward. It is open to all investigators and members of the university community and will be livestreamed here.

A videoconferencing room on the Lincoln campus will be available for those who want to participate in the Q&A sessions. The location will be announced Aug. 22 in UNMC Today.

Nakamura spent 32 years at the National Institute of Mental Health, where his posts included scientific director, deputy director and acting director. He received the prestigious Presidential Rank Award in 2002 for his outstanding leadership at NIMH.

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