Posted January 8, 2021 by Tiffany Lee
The following list of awards from public entities includes all arts and humanities grants of $10,000 or more and all other grants of $200,000 or more between Oct. 16, 2020, and Nov. 15, 2020, as reported through NUgrant, the electronic research administration system for the university.
Department of Biochemistry
D. Becker
University of Missouri-Columbia
Investigating the Proline Cycle as a Potential Cancer Therapy Target
Department of Educational Psychology/Department of Sociology/Nebraska Center for Research on Children, Youth, Families and Schools
K. Edwards, D. Crawford, E. Waterman, L. Wheeler
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services – Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
The Impact of an Adapted Version of the Strengthening Families Program on Reducing IPV among Caregivers and ACEs among their Children
Department of English
K. Price, K. McMullen
University of Iowa
Fame and Infamy: Walt Whitman’s Old Age Correspondence
Department of Food Science and Technology
O. Ciftci, D. Ciftci, R. Hutkins
Department of Agriculture-National Institute of Food and Agriculture
An Innovative Green Platform Technology to Manufacture Novel Multifunctional Hollow Solid Lipid Micro- and Nanoparticles
Department of Physics and Astronomy
E. Tsymbal
University of Wisconsin
Engineered Quantum Heterostructures with Epitaxial Antiperovskites
Eastern Nebraska Research and Extension Center/Dean’s Office for Cooperative Extension/West Central Research and Extension Center
T. Hibbeler, J. Grummert Rasmussen
U.S. Department of Agriculture
Umonhon Nation Agricultural Economic Development Program
Panhandle Research and Extension Center
J. Groskopf
University of Illinois
North Central Farm and Ranch Stress Assistance Center: Engaging Programs to Support Well-being
Public Policy Center
D. Bulling, S. Hoffman
Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services
COVID: Crisis Counseling Assistance and Training Program (CCP) Regular Services Program (RSP) Application: Nebraska COVID-19 Response